It has been a very long time since I’ve created a new Poll Time installment. On the eve of the change in the Lightning Lane program from “Genie+” to “Lightning Lane Multi- / Single Pass,” what are your thoughts? Note: These polls are WDW-focused – answer as it relates to the Florida parks.
Please vote in each of the 5 polls. You don’t need to have first-hand knowledge of the options to vote.
1. Which historical Disney skip-the-line program did you prefer?
(Select 1)
Fastpass (i.e., paper)
Fastpass Plus (i.e., with prebooking)
Maxpass (Disneyland’s paid app option + free paper FP)
I preferred no skip-the-line option (Ryan)
2. Which branding do you think is better? (consider name only, NOT features / price)
(Select 1)
Lightning Lane
3. Which features of the new Lightning Lane program are most appealing to you?
(Select up to 3)
Prebooking (no 7am disruption on trip)
Three prebooked selections
Obtain new LL after each use
No tiers for 4th+ selection
Park hopping allowed for 4th+ selection
View and select times prior to purchasing MP
Purchase MP and SPs in single transaction
7-day benefit for onsite stay (vs. 3-day for offsite)
Other - comment below
4. Which features do you wish the new Lightning Lane program would have?
(Select up to 3)
Free / included with onsite stay
More prebooking days with AP with no onsite stay
Limit to 1 or 2 prebooked selections vs. 3
Allow more than 3 prebooked selections
Eliminate Groups (Tiers)
Additional benefits for Club Level / Deluxe / DVC
Allow stacking (e.g., via 2-hour rule)
5. Which line skipping model would you prefer Disney adopt?
(Select 1)
Lightning Lane (post-7/24 version)
Genie+ (pre-7/24 version)
Free FastPass Plus (pre-pandemic)
Premium priced like UOR “Express Pass”)
Premium priced like UOR “Express Pass” but included for Deluxe / DVC
I’m not Ryan but those months after Covid closure without any skip the line were so nice!
I do like that AP with no hotel stay will get 3 day pre-booking since with the old FP+ we had to rely on drops to get anything top tier. I will wait to see if anything good is left at that point.
I honestly like the DLR version the best. I know a lot of WDW diehard planners would hate it but I love the absolutely level playing field of having to tap in before you can book anything. It seems like the truest form of holding your spot in line.
Me too. There are reasons why WDW is different (more travelers from out-of-state / international who rope drop), but I think a MaxPass model might work. Either way it is more fair and less complicated.
I actually think Lightning Lane is more fun that FastPass but on our first trip my daughter was 8 and at the resort she cut out some paper tickets that said
Fass Pass
It was the cutest thing. So I’m team FassPass forever.
Since I prefer no line skipping system, I selected Other for the features I wish the system had …because any system just makes standby lines longer, so making it more enticing just encourages further use.
Did no one that responded remember how they used to work the original FP system? Between layering of FPs, FPs that could be used hours after use time, the ability to share unused FPs with friends, and hacks like old tickets and room keys giving FPs, all for free….
I only used original FP once or maybe twice and all I remember is running across the park to get the next one only to find out it was a bad time for us
I think I had forgotten. Okay this is what I want again. Showing up with 3 prebooked FPP, and then using extra magic bands to book 3 more on arrival made for such awesome park days, and for no additional cost. The only thing that was hard was remembering which band to scan for which ride. Those were the days.