Poll Time! Best Pixar Film

Excellent point. Another factor for the Pixar especially is the ability to own a movie. Watch it whenever you want, however many times in a row.
The classic movies were mostly available in theater re-releases. Sometimes available on the Wonderful World of Disney tv show.

In that brief time between the first Star Wars movie - I think 1977 - and the advent of VHS movie availability I watched that Star Wars movie 50 times. That was a lot of work! Especially when your budget doesn’t include multiple theater trips.

That effort or even just waiting for a re-release affects a person’s perception of the movie. At least for awhile. I’m no longer a fan of the Star Wars universe; now A New Hope seems hopelessly cheesy and with all those viewings of the original, Mr Lucas’s embellishments rankle.

It’ll be interesting to see what today’s kids’ kids think of the Pixar movies on this poll.


That’s a very good point. I didn’t think of that.


DD was playing a little bit of Ode To Joy on her viola the other day and I was immediately in an elevator with Alan Rickman :star_struck::rofl::rofl::rofl:


That is impressive!

I’ve watched SW:ANH more than 100 times…but ALL after it was on VHS. In fact, one of the first movies (after Lady and the Tramp, which was re-released in theaters apparently) I ever saw in a movie theater was Empire Strikes Back. I wasn’t even sure what I was watching, entirely…but I was mesmerized! But somehow all of my friends had seen ANH, because on the playground in the first grade, I was forced to play the role of Obi-Wan. My sole job was to fight Darth and then die, spending the remainder of recess time going, “Use the force, Luke.” I got bored with this and tried to go off script, but the rest of the kids wouldn’t let me.

Anyhow, after we finally owned a VCR (we had to rent one each time we wanted to watch a movie for about a year or so), I was able to start my TRUE obsession with all things Star Wars.


“It’s the season of miracles.”


I was watching the Jays game on TV the other day and the camera angle just captured that part of the Skydome’s roof where Mei’s mother enters. It was then that I realized that I would never be able to look at that building again without hearing her voice.




Probably well you started with ESB. Nowhere to go but up.


Regarding Lady and the Tramp, from wikipedia: The film was also reissued to theaters in 1962, 1972, 1980, and 1986.

Our first VHS movie we owned was Wizard of Oz, which was $50. I figured we wouldn’t be owning many movies . . .

Still have a working vhs player tho the main tv hasn’t any way to connect to it.

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To this day, ESB is my favorite of all the SW films.


I remember seeing it in 1972 quite vividly!


I REALLY hope you mean “up” from an emotional perspective and not quality?!?!?! :thinking::thinking::thinking:

To be fair, I haven’t seen ESB in years. So as to its merits as a movie, cinematically, I can’t speak. I never liked it since it first came out, but that was the story. I still recall my sister saying as the credits rolled on the movie screen, Leia’s Luke’s sister. :hushed::face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

This year I’ve had occasion to see bits of ANH. No interest in seeing it again. I think I’ve seen most of the recent submissions and Rogue One is the only one I’d on purpose watch again. Solo maybe.

The lack of Star Wars interest now amazes me but I figure something about ANH spoke to me at that time in my life.

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My brain progressively as I read your post:

I just cannot fathom someone not liking ESB, widely regarded as the best “film” among the various entries in the Star Wars canon. And no interest in seeing ANH again?!?! :flushed:

I love Rogue One, so no complaints there, but it always makes me sad when people don’t like the sequels.


I’m truly sad to have blasted your day.

I’ll “what if” and over think everything all day long but apparently my movies should be mindless buddy action adventures. ESB wasn’t enough of a popcorn movie.

One of our favorite sights on our 1990 WDW trip was of an Ewok near Star Tours repeatedly jumping on spilled popcorn. Just smashing that popcorn to smithereens. :blush:


ESB is the best??
It wasn’t that long ago that I re-watched it but I wasn’t watching it to judge them.
I think I prefer the original movie/SW/ANH/Episode 4

My recollection is that ESB was very much a bridge movie: a whole lot of plot left hanging like a one-handed Jedi waiting for the next movie.
And perhaps, in the serialized nature of SW, that’s not a bad thing at all… just makes it hard to say This Movie is the best.

At least there weren’t any killer teddy bears.


There is a big difference between these two statements. It’s about the sum of all the parts of the filmmaking as a craft, not necessarily the enjoyment of the audience. Some people think those two things should go together, and obviously it’s monetarily desirable.

That said, I really do love ESB as a movie, too. Yes, it needs RotJ to complete the arc (and together they are perfection, IMO). But it does have a complete story within it. It’s about Luke learning about the force, about controlling impulses, about exploring the depths of the darkness inside him. It’s one of the greatest love stories ever told. And it’s a fun rollicking space adventure.


I am a big Star Wars fan, but never been big into ESB. I find Hoth kind of uninteresting / boring. We get it, it’s cold. You narrowly escape the Empire, big surprise. Dagobah is cool - Yoda is awesome, but it’s really just Luke there. The rest of the characters go to Bespin and Lando is… just ok. What Han could have been.

I’d gladly take RotJ’s combo of Tatooine Pt 2, Dagobah Pt 2, Endor, and Death Star Pt 2. It’s like it took all of the earlier elements and improved upon them for a better movie. The final battle feels appropriately epic for ALL involved, not just a couple people. I feel good after seeing it, even 40 years later.


P.S. It’s not just me saying this. Whether it’s the Tomatometer or EW or IGN or any number of other critics and film analysis magazines / sites, the consensus is that Empire was a step up in filmmaking (cinematography, direction, acting, story, dialogue, effects, editing, etc.) from Star Wars. And Star Wars is considered one of the greatest achievements in film history, so that’s saying something.


So, this. And I’ll definitely concede - with memory prompts from these posts - that special effects, with Star Wars, got a major leg up. Even ESB.

Sitting in the movie theater, popcorn bucket in lap, waiting for ANH or Star Wars as we knew it, watching the blank screen expectantly . . .

That opening with the spaceship going over our heads . . .

That was epic.


In fairness I think ESB is critically regarded as the best of the bunch.