Poll Time! All Things Harry Potter

As someone who did not read and has only seen bits of movies as my family watches, it was shocking to me to learn that Hermione and Harry were not the couple, that it was Hermione and Ron.

Maybe it plays out somehow that makes sense in the books or films, but from what little I did manage to read and watch on purpose, I always thought H&H were the pair.

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I think movies need quiet moments like that! And the actors played it so well!

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And don’t you Z1 me, @Jeff_AZ

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I’m gonna Z1 the Z1 and you can’t stop me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


One of my favorite scenes too but I’ve never got the impression that they might have liked each other. Always just friends. It was more of a “is it ok to have a moment of joy with all that is going on” you know sort of how life is in the real world right now. Some days I feel guilty when I just drop everything and go to a park.


One must know how to wield one’s power responsibly, and not cast it about irresponsibly.

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There are quiet moments in the book they could have included. It was just terrible.


How long will this poll be open because I have to re-read all the books and re-watch all the movies just to be sure I vote correctly. Except Goblet of Fire movie. That one was my least favorite.


That is exactly what I said out loud in the theater during the movie. My kids won’t go to movies with me anymore :woman_shrugging:


I picked Deathly Hallows as my favorite (and it was only one I picked) because I re-read the last 100 pages over and over again. I think I did that every day for months. My son is 30 and we started reading the series together (as a read aloud). We would count the days until the next release and I would be at the bookstore with him waiting for our copy.


Why?? :laughing:

Can’t believe they cut-scened the Quidditch World Cup action, but left in 87 seconds of non-canon dancing :woman_facepalming:t4::rofl::rofl::rofl:


oh oh a term I’ve not heard used outside anime/manga


I generally keep polls open for one week, and that is the case with these.

A proud Hufflepuff here.

Has anyone watched the TV games show “Harry Potter: Tournament of Houses” with Helen Mirren ? It was most excellent.

I can’t believe more people have not voted for Flight of the Hippogriff. It is one of the most entertaining rollercoasters in the whole park that the entire family can ride.

We have a yearly tradition to re-watch the movies over Christmas break (“Happy Christmas everyone”).

Although time turners are problematic to the universe, we love watching the story play out from multiple perspectives in the Prisoner of Azkaban. Deathly Hollows is a well put together movie. The theming, color palette, and sound track all play well together. I love when the tell the story of the 3 brothers and switch to the animation.

I have listened to the audio books multiple times and have enjoyed many Harry Potter podcasts. Here are a couple:

Binge Mode: Harry Potter : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
Muggle cast - MuggleCast - Your Weekly Harry Potter Podcast


I listen to MuggleCast weekly. :joy: I’m a big HP fan.


challenge accepted


I should mention the score of these films! My favorite is Prisoner of Azkaban, but obviously Sorcerer’s Stone is amazing and introduced the most iconic themes. The first three were by John Williams and naturally are the best, IMO, but Patrick Doyle (GoF), Nicholas Hooper (OotP and HBP), and Alexandre Desplat (DH1&2) surprised me with how memorable and fitting their respective scores were.


I love the Yule Ball music :notes::snowflake::dancer::man_dancing:t2:


He also did Brave :green_heart::orange_heart:

