Photo of the day

Yeah I missed Mousekeeping on this trip.
So many adorable memories from how we found our room made up back in 2000

This trip… well, sometimes our garbage cans were emptied.



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I was afraid of that
I was hoping for some clever punning connection to the attraction but wasn’t coming up with anything


DH found the same. He got them so he wouldn’t need sunglasses too but he hated them, he was practically blind every time we went in a building.

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That’s what I thought.

I also didn’t enjoy them here at home. Mine always darkened even on cloudy days so I looked ridiculous wearing shades under clouds and it always felt dark :night_with_stars::laughing:

I tried a pair of glasses with magnetic clip ons, but they were ridiculously heavy (therefore did not mix well with the Florida heat and a sweaty nose) and still had the issue of having to stow away the shade part when going indoors.

For my next trip, I’m trying contact lenses :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::rofl::rofl:

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I have this problem and I won’t use transitions.

I have found that wearing a hat or viser with a dark underside to the brim is quite effective. I will only swap glasses if I’m going to be either indoors or outdoors for an extended period of time. Otherwise I just deal with it.


I loved wearing contacts. It was awesome. I’m so sad those are not an option for me any longer :frowning:


It’s either too dark to see if you keep them on, or everything is blurry if you take them off :roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:

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Oh that’s a shame. Why not?


Can’t speak for @OBNurseNH, but I used to have contacts years ago. They got to be expensive for Astigmatism…and then, bifocals came along! All my glasses are bifocals now (even my prescription sunglasses)! Probably before we all lived with cell phones as our brains, it wasn’t as important to always have the bifocal…but now, reading that cell phone screen anytime a day is rather important.

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I have thyroid eye disease. :frowning:

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They have bifocal contacts now, from what I understad.

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Oh I know all about that.
There’s a whole saga as to why that I won’t bore you with, but I have an astigmatism, but wear regular lensed.
My vision is better in one eye than the other, but still good enough, thankfully, to not have to pay for astigmatism lenses.

Sorry @OBNurseNH. Hope you have funky glasses to make up for it!

Ah, see…that’s not an option for me. My prescription is almost ENTIRELY due to astigmatism, and I’m quite blind, so there is no correcting that with standard lenses.

I investigated them…but I’m not sure the would have worked for me…plus, on top of the astigmatism aspect, the price was just astronomical.

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Nah. Basic glasses. As seen in my avatar

But my sunnies are some pretty great Oaklies

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I like the glasses in your avatar!

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