Personal Touring Plan Feature Requests

My web-developer hubby says that it would be nice to keep the headers (wait time, walking time, etc) at the top of the screen when scrolling.


Even an ā€œARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO OPTIMIZE NOW?!ā€ warning would be ideal.


Gotta say Iā€™m finding the TPs to be invaluable for planning this year, now that weā€™re 100% relying on FPP. Also, I think the plan for tweens in MK is SPOT ON.

Is there a way to add the TT Dessert Party as something? Or is that too difficult since Wishes is at different times? I had to add it as a meal break that ends 5 mins before Wishes.

@lentesta now that breaks and meals have accurate walk times, I was thinking it would be nifty to be able to tell TP where one is watching the parade from. Itā€™s especially nifty if one is doing splash after watching parade from pecos bills, rather than main st.

Of course, the work around now is to simply enter a meal at pecos bills for the allotted time (while adding a note that says ā€œparadeā€), instead of choosing the parade as an optionā€¦ and Iā€™ve done exactly that in my TP.

Still would be a nifty feature to have. :slight_smile:

We want the world, donā€™t we? :wink:


Thanks, changing my TPs againā€¦parade to Pecoā€™s, got it.

This is a great thread!

This is done. Just mentioning it in case someone hasnā€™t tried it.

Steve, David and I are actively working on this now. I expect to have it done before the holiday rush.

When this is done, the Optimizer will be able to look at the currently available FPP inventory for your date (through MDE), and tell you what FPPs you should get and for which times. The advantage to using current MDE inventory is that the suggestions will be more realistic.

David and the stats team have also been collecting data on what the day-of FPP availability looks like, for every attraction and park. (We have more than a million examples , starting from this summer.) So the Optimizer will also be able to tell you what your 4th, 5th, and subsequent FPPs should be.

There are, obviously, a bunch of different strategies for figuring out which should be your advance FPPs and which should be your day-of choices. For example, the code wonā€™t always suggest 3 advance FPPs, especially at Epcot or DHS, if recommending only 1 or 2 means that you can get around the tiering rules faster,

This new code is going to require a lot of testing. But I think yā€™all are up to the task. :smile:

The long-term goal is for you to ā€œfriendā€ on MDE, and allow us to manage your FPP reservations based on your touring plan. As you go through the park, weā€™d be looking at whatā€™s left in your plan, the current wait times, and the current FPP availability, and weā€™d just grab or release whatever FPPs we think would minimize your plan for the rest of the day. Thatā€™s a 2015 project.

In the meantime, we can work on a couple more of these suggestions.


@Lentesta Iā€™d just like to put in another vote for one of the ideas above. First, I too LOVE the touring plans. I have spent hours playing and building and having fun :smiley:

The feature Iā€™d love to see is the ability to pin or lock something to a specific time or point in the day. For example, Iā€™d prefer to pin Splash Mountain to the end of the MK day so we donā€™t have to walk around wet all day.

Another way I might use this would be to pin a show or a slower right directly following a meal as riding tea cups or space mountain after eating might not be wise.

Hoping this helps you know some ways weā€™d use that feature so you can considering adding it the ā€œwish-list.ā€


@len - How is progress coming on user-defined durations for certain attractions, like WS pavilions?

@len, will the 4th and 5th FPP strategy take park hopping into account? Right now I have 2 separate TPs for each of my park hopper days.



Thatā€™s a really interesting idea, @fiel. So if youā€™ve got another touring plan for the same day, and itā€™s earlier in the day, and youā€™ve got 3 FPP reservations already defined, then the second plan should automatically just switch you to a ā€œday-ofā€ FPP strategy? Yeah, that makes sense to me. Let me know if thatā€™s right.

I would use this for things characterpalooza or JTA sign up. I think that I have to use a rest for both of these at the moment. I guess an alternative would be to have them as options to select. Apologies if they are there already and I missed them.

What I need is big bang whopper touring plan for international newbies with lots of park days!
BBWTPINLPD - there you go Iā€™ve made a code for it.
He he - struggling with how to split days across 10 day phwpm tickets! Love TP though. :smile:

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Thatā€™s the ideaā€¦but I think it needs to be a choice for the user. In my case, for example, Iā€™m at Animal Kingdom for RD with a 5 yr old so weā€™ll be able to get through the morning without needing the Fastpass. In the afternoon, weā€™re at Hollywood Studios, so all my fastpasses will be allocated there. Other liners may prefer to book fastpasses in all the parks they visit.

As a user I would want the fastpass section to read: Use FastPass Y/N, Initial allotment Y/N, Additional FastPasses Y/N

Hope that helps.


@Beth_in_Linerland The workaround is to simply put a ā€œmealā€ or ā€œbreakā€ in for the time/duration you want to do the given attraction. Since TP now evaluates walk times correctly to/from restaurants, choosing a ā€œmealā€ at a restaurant near the attraction you want to ā€œpinā€ would work best.

Iā€™ve used this workaround for a number of similar situations (i.e. telling TP where I want to watch a parade for accurate walk times.)

Another feature that would seem incredibly easy to do:

As noted in a recent podcast, the parks actually open 15 minutes or more before the posted opening time. TPā€™s donā€™t allow you to start your TP before the official opening time. Perhaps allow the user to set it earlier (maybe with a flash warning that youā€™ve done so, so that novices donā€™t do it accidentally).

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Ability to reorder steps via mobile devices since drag and drop does not work!

Unforfunately, i just learned this isnā€™t possible and flubbed up my TP for today.
If you could make the little up/down arrows to the left of each step a clickable button to move up/down one spot at a time, that would be great!


Iā€™m another one who loves TP, but also would like to make a suggestion. I think it would be helpful to list the actual start time for parades/shows in the View/Print screen. Currently only the time you will arrive is shown, but then you donā€™t know the actual start time of the show (eg, Optimize has me showing up at 3:00 for a 3pm start time of one show, but 20 minutes early for another, but in the Print view they look the same).


We can do this. Thanks!


Thanks for asking!

I would like the print feature to insert a page break between the park map and the plan steps so that the tour plan steps appears on one page when printed.

It would also be nice if users could select how long they wish to visit more ā€œopen endedā€ attractions like Epcot Pavilions, Bone Yard, Honey I Shrunk the Kid, etc.

@len, could you possibly add the FPP kiosk locations to the park map at the bottom of the TP? Like the restroom Rs?