Paying for plastic bags?

They definitely were giving us plastic bags last month. If they want to stop bags, bring back the souvenir delivery to your resort. I miss that.

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That’s funny. We are so different. I would ALWAYS prefer a self-checkout to one where I have to interact with an actual cashier! Plus, we shop at Aldi, where bagging your own groceries is what helps bring down the cost of groceries significantly!


I’m pro Aldi but I’m definitely not cool with the Aldi self checkout. Mainly because I haven’t had an Aldi trip with less than a billion items.

Oh…our Aldi doesn’t have self-checkout…of course you still have to self-bag. But I’ve heard rumors that one of the local Aldis near us has put in self-checkouts, so I half expect ours will soon.

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Same on self-bagging. No change there but they replaced half the registers with self-checkout. Not a fun process when the Aldi workers are ninjas at scanning.