ParkRanger’s Too-Long-Since-My-Last-Trip Trip Report

I’m very anti-bug-eating, but our waiter was just so darn charming.

However, Prince Charming himself couldn’t make me swallow some of those horrors on Amazing Race or Survivor. I can’t even watch the contestants eat them on TV. At least the cricket wasn’t plump and juicy and … squiggling.


Dh and I used to watch Amazing Race as well. First off, if we did the race together we would probably kill each other, …but other than that he would definitely have to be the one to eat all the crazy food.

One episode, many years ago, had them do a sushi Wheel of Fortune type game in Japan where the goal was to play until the wheel landed on the wasabi roll. It was like 6" long and had about a 3" radius …and it was ALL wasabi wrapped in seaweed. The racer had to eat the entire wasabi roll. There is NO way I can eat even a tiny bit, never mind the amount in that roll!


Ok at the risk of being tmi… do they just wear diapers? Bc after eating a 6in long roll of wasabi…

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I found a video, they called it a wasabi bomb.



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“Eat tha wasabiiiiii!!”

We still quote that :rofl:


Oh, I almost forgot to show you my fun manicure.

(I don’t get manicures often so this was a splurge.)