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Are the water fill stations still in the queue?

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Regarding Poutine…the idea of it seems gross. I can logical work it out, bit I can’t seem to work it out emotionally. As it is, I am weird because I like fries to have very little to no salt and taste more potatoey with crispy outsides. I will eats fries with ketchup…but too much salt or too greasy and I just toss them.


There are, but this one is just when you enter the cave inside. Just seemed out of place.

I’d go for a cool air hair dryer today!

Sometimes, I bet there is enough time to charge your phone in this queue.

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I would actually agree with you that by themselves they are unappealing, though heaven knows many people eat them as is. (Shudder). However, poutine is where I make the exception. Of course, the poutine needs to be good. We’ve tried some local attempts and they were not poutine. The gravy shouldn’t be watery (double shudder).

Of course, I am a peasant (and perhaps a picky eater) and like simple good tasting foods. I don’t comment on people’s food pictures because often times what many here think looks/tastes good, I find would never want to try. As I get older garlic agrees with me less and less and I find I’m more sensitive to it, and I don’t like spicy hot, just flavorful. :woman_shrugging:


I’m about as picky as they come so no one should take my commentary too seriously. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Timer says that was a 48 min wait. A little longer than I like. But we did see another outlet tucked away in the linking room. Couldn’t get my phone out fast enough for a photo. I really don’t get the purpose though…


Waiting on our pongo lumpia and night blossom now.


So I lied. It’s a rum blossom.


Perhaps some kind of cleaning or maintenance equipment that needs to be plugged in? Or building codes?

(I suspect the building codes since it’s not disguised in any way.)


That’s a good theory


Back in line again.


Look…we found Ronald McDonald.

I promise, I mean nothing negative by this. Just thought he got the look down.


Well I was being factious. But if one was desperate you could just sit, plug in and let line pass you by :crazy_face:

Glad we got to have our Expedition this morning. The mountain has been shut down all day since around 11 or so. Those poor cast members…I asked how long they had been shut down out of curiosity. The poor guy said we were the first people to not yell at him for ruining their vacation. The things they have to put up with. Geez!

Anyway, here’s a beautiful pic of said mountain.



So when you heart food photos/posts it’s definitely a Z1 maneuver?



Oh my!!! Yak and Yeti was wonderful. We will be coming back to this one again.

Duck and chicken Tikka Masala. So good! And those vegetables…they know how to make you want to eat them. They were delicious!


By definition every one of my likes is a Z1 maneuver. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I do love lots of foods, I’m just particular about most of them, if that makes sense. For example, when you said the meat wasn’t warm in your Satuli bowls, that was an instant No from me, even if I liked all the ingredients.