Orlando in august

Currently planning my 3rd trip with family of 4 to orlando from the uk. Been at Easter and Halloween previously.

Are the last 2 weeks of August unbearable for heat? Will it rain alot?

It looks as if crowds are lower after the US schools go back.

Any advice welcome!


It’s been many years since I went during the summer because of how uncomfortable I found the heat and humidity. And it rained a lot too. Of course, everyone has a different tolerance level for heat, humidity and rain so it is hard to say what would be unbearable for another person.

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Hot as the surface of the sun and humidity as thick as pea soup
Rains on the daily, often multiple times a day, but not always for very long
Common time for hurricanes

Not my first choice of times to visit, but if it’s what works for your family you can make it work if you pace yourselves and time breaks indoors with AC well enough


Yes and Yes! But Disney has the best pools and treats to help cool you down.
Late August brings the chance of hurricanes, with the peak in September. It’s hot and humid. Drink plenty of fluids and plan to been cooling off 2-6. Loose comfortably clothing, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen. Pack your patience. Even low crowds + summer heat can = guest meltdowns


The pools are hot as bathwater in August.


That was our experience. Not really refreshing. Just wet.

Since we are going 1st week of September, I do wonder about this. We will see how the dice roll I guess. Normally not when we would choose…but it worked for the limited number of points we had to use.

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Hi!! Welcome! Please ask anything & as often as needed!!

Yes and Yes! :rofl: :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

Seriously, though I’ve been the last couple years in August and it was unbearable at times. We HAD to stop by Noon and hide in the hotel room until 4pm… Heck, I’ve been out after midnight and it’s still over 80°F!

Plus, it rains at 3pm almost every day! You can almost set a clock by it! It’s so odd!!

This is very true! Plus, you haven’t hit the heart of hurricane season yet either! This is why I go then… (Plus, all the Orlando parks keep starting Halloween events in late August)

If you can tolerate the HEAT and can get a GREAT discount then it’s worth doing… :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

I wouldn’t go without a bargain on flights / hotels!!


You need the kiddie splash pad. Water feels cooler. It’s ok for adults to just sit there (and be run over by little kids).

Peak of activity for hurricane season actually. Labor day time. But that doesn’t guarantee a hurricane. And some tropical systems do waaaayyyy more vacation damage than a swift moving low grade cane. Have extra snacks and drinks stowed away. And be flexible. Ive been so often that I don’t think going during hurricane season (outside of the oppressive heat) would be terrible. I just dont go around then because if a hurricane hits home we have too many responsibilities there. So we’d be scrambling to get back.


So yes, lol, but a lot of pools in my area get just as hot during the day in the middle of summer. No heater needed so I’m used to it. Also, I don’t like cold water. But also, kiddie splash pad should not be over looked. It feels cooler.

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We’ve done late August twice because our northern US schools go back later than FL schools.

Are any of theses replies inaccurate, no.

I loved the heat and humidity!

Sitting around a beautiful pool, at 11p at night, drinking some cold beers, 80 degrees, and nothing more than a swim suit needed!

There’s still a lot of people at that time of year.

We still opened and closed every park. We also had full down days. We lugged around water shoes, ponchos, umbrellas, and a change of clothes in a back pack per person. You have to plan for it, but it’s not that hard to deal with. Or maybe it’s my super power :smile:. My wife and kids all DS 14, 11, and 7 all did fine too. Were we hot, sure. Did we get miserable at times, sure. You can check those boxes at pretty much any time of year for a family Disney trip. Just saying.


This is the biggest factor I think. If you can handle hest and humidity it’s bearable. So just plan accordingly.


We were just there late July and while the heat was equatorial, it was manageable. DW had one of those neck fans, and I had a cooling towel and hat. I feel like it made a difference.


I was at the actual equator in July and it was not that hot at all. High around 82 in the day, low in the upper 40s late at night. And dry and breezy

Did I mention this was in Africa @ScottFL ?


Sorry, for all the pedants out there, the temperatures are equal to a tropical jungle on the equator of hell. :shark:




Florida heat and humidity is something else. Hopefully you are familiar with the feeling and can gauge whether it’s something you will be able to tolerate.

But if you can, it’s a great time to be there! Crowds are indeed usually low and there are often deals on hotels and lower priced tickets.

Hurricanes are a risk, so make sure you either have travel insurance or are able to get arrangements refunded / moved. Also be prepared for the possibility of being stuck in your hotel room with nothing to do if there is a storm.


Our family of 4 has only visited in mid to late August. We have gone every 2 years since 2016 (we skipped 2020 and 2021 due to Covid).

We always prepare to be indoors having a sit down lunch and a resort nap/chill out during the middle part of each day. Crowd levels are always the worst between 11 and 4 anyway, so we just structure our TP to take advantage of EMH then go back and stay until park close, forcing ourselves to nap after lunch. With our biggest meal at midday, we typically have ice cream and QS snacks for dinner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plan on having plenty of cooling devices with you in the park, hydrating liberally, and ducking into the AC when you need to. You’ll do fine.

I’m sure it would be more of a nightmare if the kids were real little, though. They were 10 and 8 for our first trip in 2016 so we never had to wrangle strollers and diaper changes and toddler meltdowns in the parks.

I don’t feel like we ever have our day ruined by the rain. We just poncho up. Its always brief.
Sometimes the crowds all run back to their resorts when it rains which clears out the park and will allow you to walk on to some of the rides. :smiley:


I just moved to the area in July from North Carolina. I’m typically a rope drop to close, do or die, go all day type of park goer. I kid you not when I say I couldn’t in the August and September heat. I don’t know that I would ever tell someone not to come, but for me, I had to adjust the way I handle the parks in that kind of heat. It’s too hot to stay in it all day long. Hydrate and definitely plan breaks.


This is pretty much a better summation of what I was trying to say. It’s also the consensus of most of us replying! GL!!


thanks for all the comments. so its going to be hot but if we can deal with it then don’t rule it out!

Being a 3rd visit we are not going to run through any parks for 12 hours a day anyway.

So an early start and back at the ranch for the AC and pool by lunchtime would likely be the plan. We could always then go back at sundown.

My preferred time to go would be October but having issues getting dates it will work unless we book last minute…