OBNurseNH's Secret Star Wars Viewing Thread

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I like Thrawn and am intrigued to see how he will factor into the new Ahsoka series. I haven’t read either of the trilogies though. Maybe I will someday - the more I learn, the more I like the character.


I did! I just finished the second of the new trilogies this morning. Sooooo good. While I appreciate Ashoka and her storyline, I just don’t feel like it holds a candle to Thrawn.

Makes me want to read all the Legends Thrawn books again. He’s such a perfectly complex person/alien/“bad guy.” And Timothy Zahn, the author and creator of Thrawn, is such a wonderful human being. My husband and I met him at a ComicCon once and visited him every one of the three days :joy:


I just watched the first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi Great stuff!! Action, yes. Great scenery. But the feels!!! Knowing what came before, and what comes after…I think I’ve got something in my eye. Yeah, that’s what it is.

Seeing the beauty and splendor of Alderaan adds to the impact of its loss to Leia. So much foreshadowing in things said and done by, to, and about Leia. It’s great to see her at this young age.


I am looking forward to watching this hopefully at some point this weekend. But my daughter has two proms - tonight and tomorrow - and we have a multitude of other obligations smashed in around those as well. Maybe tomorrow late afternoon we have a bit of time? Glad to hear it’s really good!


Just finished watching and jumped right on here to see if anyone else had! Sooooooo good, I can’t wait for more!


Just finished the first episode. It set things up nicely. Episode 2 just starting.


Just finished the first episodes of Obi Wan. I LOVED it!

Love seeing young Leia and her spunky self.

And I had some other thoughts but my MIL called in the middle of me posting and now I can’t remember what I wanted to say. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Also just finished episode one and two. I am really enjoying it

Except the chase scene on Alderaan in the first episode (I wanted to say episode one but that just felt weird). It was very corny how they were clumsily tripping over themselves as they chased Leia


Agree didn’t find that realistic


What is it with D+ SW shows and these?? The forest chase had BoB vespa chase vibes :smirk: Especially comparing this to the first scene (order 66) and the younglings and the jedi fleeing which was EPIC and gave so much chills.

Overall I really enjoyed this but if I’m nitpicking, I wish they did a better job at introducing little Leia. So much potential to make this an epic entrance but it fell a bit short imo. For whatever reason I had a strong hunch they’d have Leia in this show and I’m super excited they did.

Something I was confused by: did the inquisitors / Reva actually know who Leia is? As in, Anakin’s daughter? Or did they kidnap her just because her father knew Obi-wan? If so, this felt a bit too convenient. Same thing for them going after Owen, what are the odds they pick out the guy from the crowd who is fathering Anakin’s son?


and more confusion…: If Reva is so easily cabable of mind tricks that she could instantly read the con-jedi’s mind and find out where Obi-wan is, why couldn’t she instantly read Owen’s mind and find out the same or even more importantly that he has Luke? I know I’m being picky here but I just find these kind of plot holes annoying though I’m very aware that they are in the DNA of SW since day 1 :roll_eyes:

On a positive note, Ewan McGregor’s performance was stellar throughout these episodes!


Ooh good question. Stop asking questions. This is why I don’t get deep into reviewing movies. I miss stuff like this!


I think it was only because she was Organa’s daughter and could be used as bait. Reva mentioned finding something in older records that tied Obi-Wan to Organa. I see what you mean about Reva and her uneven use of abilities. She used to be a Jedi and went over to the dark side. Maybe Reva questioning Owen was just a handy plot device to add to the fear/suspense.

Yeah, sometimes I find I can’t be too critical of plot holes and have to just go with the flow.


Apparently all inquisitors used to be Jedi and turned dark.
Methinks the Jedi need to be more selective about who they train :woman_facepalming:t4::rofl:


Cast is great!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
Plot still TBD :woman_shrugging:t4:

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That chase scene was VERY Little Rascals being chased by the truant officer.


Agreed! Sure, kids can be fast, but how many times can a grown up miss and fall down? It seemed so fake.

Aside from that it was a great first 2 episodes and we really enjoyed watching. My littles really loved seeing Leia as a little kid. So she is around 10 years old correct? Maybe she is just little, but she looked more like a 6 year old in size.

My biggest gripe is having to wait each week for an episode! Why oh why can’t Disney drop the whole season of things like Netflix :sob:


I mentioned this to my husband while we were watching. I think it was the perspective of her next to her cousin. He was obviously still a kid and she was waaaay shorter than him. I thought she looked about 5 next to him


Yes! We thought so too. Looked it up and the actress will turn 10 next month so she was 8-9 while filming.


Loved the first two episodes.

There are a few parts that may not seem believable, but we all have to remember that Star Wars is for kids. Of course they believe they can out run adults.

As for the Inquisitors…

I am not sure if true or not, but I immediately thought that they were the “younglings” we saw in episode one running away during order 66. They felt abandoned by the Jedi and for that reason they have turned their backs on them and seek to destroy them.

I loved how we got some of the backstory on why Leia knows Old Ben Kenobi. It was always strange to see her reach out to him with the message smuggled out in R2D2 in A New Hope. How did she know him? Wasn’t he in hiding? This seems to help create that link!

Great start to what will ultimately become too short of a series. I want to continue to enjoy this world and characters for a lot longer than we are going to get.