OBNurseNH's Secret Star Wars Viewing Thread

That’s awesome!!

Happy Birthday :partying_face::balloon::birthday:


Do you share a birthday with my DS 17 (ok writing that out for the first time makes me :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:) on the 24th?

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Happy birthday!

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My birthday is actually the 28th! But March is the best time for birthdays. :blush: Can’t believe your DS is 17!!! :scream:


I know!! The next year and a half will be so busy!!

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My firstborn’s bday is March 28th. he will be 6 this year. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: happy early birthday!!

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Thank you!

I just watched today’s episode of The Bad Batch. That’s episode 9, with 6 remaining. It was ok. Not as much action, but more suspense and backstory. Plus another of the very well known characters from other series has shown up! It’s fun to see this person again. I like how this series is piling on the layers of intrigue.


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I just watched today’s two episodes of The Bad Batch, episodes 10 and 11. Things are getting very scary or horrific. Not for young children. Number 10 was not so much about the main characters, but more of a “meanwhile on the research planet.” 11 had the main characters, and reminded me of the holocaust, with mean, thorough searches. Lots of very dark (low light) scenes. Four more episodes remain.

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I just watched today’s episode of The Bad Batch, episode 12. Just three left. This episode inched along in terms of overall plot, but it had some decent action scenes.

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Yes, starting to worry that they have a lot to fit in the final 3 episodes. I don’t really understand why this needs to be the last season. I really enjoy the Bad Batch.


I watched today’s episode of The Bad Batch, episode 13. Just two left. This one has the main characters moving forward, whether physically or by learning more. I enjoyed it, including the humor around Rampart.


I’m slowly making my way through Clone Wars. I just watched the episode where little Boba Fett sneaks onto a ship with a bunch of young clones and sabotages things. So many Easter eggs in these episodes that hearken to the movies and other series. Maybe it’s actually the other shows that have Easter eggs relating to Clone Wars! Either way, it’s fun to see all the connections.

Actually the padawan of Luminara Unduli (Bariss?) was wearing a hooded capelet exactly like the ones sold on the StarCruiser!

@JustKeepSmiling Doesn’t this look like the cape they sold on the Star Cruiser? More like the short one that was for kids, but still - I gasped when I saw it!



There is a new animated short series coming up called Tales of the Empire (sequel to Tales of the Jedi, which was about Ahsoka and Count Dooku) and one of the main characters will be Barriss Offee. I don’t remember much about her arc in Clone Wars so I may need to revisit those episodes to catch up!


Yes! That is the one. They still have it in HS. The SC merch is dwindling though :frowning:


I don’t think it ends well for her as far as being on the side of light. But then I always thought there was something off about her even when she was Ahsoka’s “friend” and they worked together. I was always waiting for the betrayal. I guess it’s coming.

But also … Luminara is not the Jedi I would want to be padawan too. A little too uptight and stuffy for me.


I thought this video did a nice job of summarizing all the reasons why it’s inapt to call Rey a Mary Sue. In short, the films explicitly say she starts out with certain skills and knowledge – using a staff, scavenging for parts, fixing ships, etc. And there are plenty of moments shown when she gets trained with the Force and in other aspects of fighting, in addition to the training that is merely implied, not shown during or between films.

I just watched the first 16 minutes – the last portion covers the comics and books, which I’m not as familiar with.


So started Season 3 of Clone Wars and they referred to a group of clones as being a “bad batch”. I was super excited thinking this may be the origins of the group in Bad Batch, but one of them was promptly killed on a mission. Any connection there?

Also, a general observation that some of the episodes seem very much like political statements apropos to the times they were made (2008 ish and later?). A lot of anti-war, the cost of war, the war machine, etc. I find it quite interesting.

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Love it. I am excited for more Rey adventures!

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