Not Click Bait: Do you *really* want to come to FL right now?

I love that song!:laughing:


I’m glad that my trip is not until December. I have quite a while to see how things play out, before I would have to cancel. i will be watching, for sure. If I were planning a trip for this summer, I think I would cancel. I told my sister the other day that I am 99% likely to cancel my trip in December, but I want to see what happens before I do.


No. We decided last week to reschedule our trip and the newest numbers confirm that we made the right decision.


Absolutely wouldn’t want to be there any time soon. I don’t have plans to go to the US until december, but considering what a horrifying job the country is doing at addressing the situation, I’m worried about even that…


One thing that’s causing me worry is that there might not be an actual empirical answer to this.

Is there enough tracing and testing capabilities to detect if clusters of cases came from WDW? Was anyone able to get numbers about the effectiveness of UOR’s protocols?

Some safety protocols have been tested in other situations, but some many situations are unique to theme parks - there is no data about what happens when an infected person screams for 5 minutes while wearing a mask - which will certainly happen at Tower of Terror.

We are not even sure about how safe or dangerous public bathrooms are! TBH, not even the safety protocols for indoor dinning have been fully checked.

Originally I thought that it would be fairly easy to detect if WDW’s protocolos weren’t enough, there would be noticeable clusters. But with so many new cases, those might just get lost.



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I personally would not consider going right now. But my trip isn’t until late November, so I think my trip is not a worry. I wouldn’t go before the end of August. Florida is late to their surge, so I really expect the numbers to start going down sometime in August.
But, I’m no epidemiologist, so only time will tell.


Here is one bright line for me, that I personally would not cross. Have the hospitals around WDW put “non-essential” medical procedures on hold? @bswan26 Do you know? (This is the status in Houston now.)

Remember, non-essential generally includes most things not imminently life-threatening. If medical resources are stretched so thin that locals are unable to get basic health services, should we be flocking there on vacation?

Your travel group might be fine, but it’s the power of numbers. If WDW is open, the more people that visit there, the more will need medical services of some kind, if not for Covid, for something else.

It’s not about what happens with one of us, it’s what happens with ALL of us.

[hops off soapbox]


I will say that based on the people I know, the idea that if you have symptoms you’ll be sick for 10 days is laughable. Of all the people I know who have actually gotten sick and didn’t die (ages mid-20s through about 60 and most are relatively healthy), all of them were down for 3 weeks or more, and every single one of them had a period where they felt much, much better and then a period where the symptoms returned. The second wave was usually shorter than the first, but more intense. Most had lingering fatigue for awhile after, and a few had mild asthma-like symptoms for awhile. 3 of them still tested positive after 3 weeks.


Yes. Absolutely.


This is what I’m trying to define… What does “Down” mean? Are they hospitalized / incapacitated or just feeling “crappy” / sick - (cough, headaches, tired)? Is it a death sentence or a super bad cold - to oversimplify it

My direct experience with people close to me who had it is that they were not hospitalized (except my SIL due to another health condition combined with COVID who was hospitalized for two days) and had “mild” cases. They felt like they had recovered and then 5 or 6 days later would have a fever or a cough and just be really tired/achey. Then these symptoms would go away after a day or two, only to repeat the cycle a few days later. My brother and my friend who experienced this both were working 100% from home so they were able to continue to work. However, my friend would sometimes have to take long naps in the middle of the day when her symptoms would reoccur which would have made it really hard to go to work if she’d needed to. However, the recurring symptoms over weeks if not months seems to be a common theme.


I don’t think they’d make it public if they found a cluster at one of the theme parks. We already heard reports about the state government suppressing data, and if they find a cluster what are they going to do? It’s horrible publicity even though anyone with any reasoning skills knows it’s inevitable… asymptomatic means no fever, so there will be asymptomatic infected people inside the bubble. It’s statistically almost impossible that there wouldn’t be under the current circumstances.

It’s not like they’re going to tell everyone who was at MK during a 4-day period to quarantine, anyway. In that way theme parks and other places where there are large numbers of people constantly moving from place to place kind of negate the usefulness of contact tracing. There’s no way to really trace who was in the same space as an infected person at any given time.


I do not want to go to Florida right now. Partly heat + humidity + masks. Partly the COVID numbers there and everywhere really. I feel relief that I had already decided to cancel my August trip. However, I am still considering DLR in August (provided they’re open) since we have to drive down regardless in order to deliver DD20 to her college campus.


Magic Bands to the rescue! :joy: I’m sure Disney IT could magically make that happen???

But, seriously, your points are spot on.


THANKS! This is exactly what I been trying to find out…

At first I keep hearing, it won’t kill most people, but we need to flatten the curve because we don’t want to overrun hospitals for elderly & kids. Now, all I hear is if you get it you will die and kill everyone you contact.

I do want to be responsible. I take this seriously & as stated I’ve followed every guideline to the letter. So, I’m trying to decide if I continue to follow all SD procedures what are the odds I’ll actually get COVID and if I did would it actually kill me? (I’m fortunate enough that my employer has a paid leave policy if you do contract it)


Only one was hospitalized (I do know 2 older people who died, but they’re not included in this because they both just got very sick right away and never got better), and she stayed for 8 days on oxygen but never a ventilator. That was after she had been flu-sick for about a week and a half and then suddenly her O2 sats started dropping so she was admitted. She had the bad clotting, so she had to be put on blood thinners.

The others all had bad flu-like symptoms… extreme fatigue, dizziness, body aches, headaches, gastro issues, and all of the icky feelings that go with a fever. About half developed a cough, and 1 of them was diagnosed with a secondary non-COVID type pneumonia (apparently COVID pneumonia looks really different from other pneumonias on an xray) in her second wave. Another developed more of the vascular symptoms like purple toes and fingers and her arms and legs for this blotchy almost rash and she said it burned and tingled. Most of them had the no taste/smell symptom as well.

For all of them it was really a rollercoaster as far as how debilitated they actually were… they’d be totally wiped out for days, then feel better for a few days, then get sicker again.


I’d go to the beach in any rental right now. Drive down. Eat at condo/cottage. Hang out on the beach.


This is off-topic, but can we all agree not to shame or bash on anyone who does a trip report in July or soon after opening?

I feel like it won’t be an issue since this community is probably the most positive Disney community I associate with. However, there tends to be “that guy” in every group.


I promise… cuz I will be living vicariously through their trip report :heart_eyes: This has become a very personal decision… “Should I go?” I wanna’ go too! But I’m scared! I hope that magic pixy dust keeps everyone safe and protected in the MK and if not that the storm troopers will help keep that “too close” neighbor away :wink: .