New - Upgrade your magic bands

We got the generic bands last time and customized them with stuff from Etsy. By the time I had them all done, I’d spent another $10/person. I wasn’t excited about doing so again this time but wanted the kids to have the excitement of opening up the MB box. Glad this is now an option.


…there’s always that one:slight_smile:

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would you have preferred that it be me or @sanstitre_has_left_the_building??


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I have a red Mickey Mouse MB that I bought for my first trip two years ago.

I also have a plain red named MB that I received last summer when I stayed at the Poly.

I’ve just switched out the named puck from the newer band and put it into the Mickey Mouse band.

Tada! Refreshed puck and named picture MB.

I’m not saying I’m a genius, but you have to wonder.


I have enjoyed Disney not going after Etsy sellers, and just trying to up their customization game. Love that they are providing more options

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I am super excited for this! :grinning::tada: