Need good liner vibes…

To help me get “last minute” park reservations! Family trip week of June 20th, grown nephew didn’t buy tickets until today and now of course there are no openings for HS or MK for the week, let alone for the specific days the rest of us have reserved. I’ve been refreshing and retrying all morning and just hoping I can snag something. We started planning this in January! :woman_facepalming: Anyways, wish me luck.


You know how there are ADR sites like mousewatchers that’ll use an app to check for dining openings and text you…is there anything like that for Park Reservations?


Yes, there is a thread


There is also a twitter profile that alerts about all WDW openings (attraction drops/temporary closures and re-openings/park availability


Does he have hoppers? At least that way he could join y’all after 2 in the really desired parks.


No hoppers. I signed up for the suggested sites. Thanks!

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Now we are debating whether to book other parks and then cancel if MK or HS open up. To me it’s risky, the res we want may be gone by the time I cancel and try to rebook. Man, I really miss the good old days of just buying a dang ticket and going to a park!


Can you change his to hoppers? He can meet up at 2?

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That’s what I suggested, but it was nixed. :frowning: (Well, I asked if he had them - which would have made me consider it if I were the OP and the answer was “No hoppers.”)

Yes we can add hoppers to his tickets. He’s not a go full tilt kind of Disney guy, can only do 1/2 a day before his back gives out. He’s been with us before but not since all the changes. When I try to explain how he’d have to check in to a different park in the morning and then meet up with us at 2 at the desired park, etc. he understandably gets frustrated. I’m really hoping some reservations open up and we won’t have to deal with all this.

Don’t we all?!?! It’s time to end it. Did you see this twitter feed? Ya’ll are not alone in your feelings:
Walt Disney World on Twitter: “Which 50th Anniversary celebration highlight are you MOST excited about? :arrow_down:#DisneyWorld50” / Twitter


OMG! Thrill Data came through and I snagged a HS res for Monday!!! I can’t tell you how excited and relieved I am. I did get another email saying that there was an opening for MK on the day I needed, but it fell through. Still, better than nothing and I’m gonna keep trying! I don’t know how they do it, but thank goodness for data nerds!


:crossed_fingers: Good luck!

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:grinning::clap::smiley_cat::grin: All the happy emojis!!! I got a text from Thrilldata saying there was a MK reservation open for our desired day AND I GOT IT! We are Tminus 11 days and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have everyone in our group with park reservations. So happy! So thankful to PrincipalTinker and all the liners for the help!


Yay! I am so happy it worked for you!

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