Need ~20 volunteers to test new page on site

I haven’t done more than a quick look yet, but I do agree with the redundancy of having my tracked days on the right and the days of my trip in the center. If the tracked days could be removed from the right, it would free up real estate for some of the other suggestions for info to include.

How do you add your resort? Maybe I missed something obvious, but I didn’t see it on my, admittedly, quick look at the page!


My thoughts:

  1. On the page you have on the left My Trips, in the middle your current trip and on the right My Profile. If your screen size is not wide enough, the My Profile section in put below the middle section instead of scaling accordingly or giving you the option to scroll across the screen.

  2. As @999 stated, I was expecting to be brought to a weather app of some sort when I clicked the date in the weather box.

  3. I don’t think there is a need for WDW Crowds and the the link that says View Park Crowds next to it. The one View Park Crowds and then the crowd level for that day underneath it would be sufficient.

  4. As an alternative for #3 above I would like to see WDW Crowds (#) as a hyperlink to the crowd calender for the day, and instad of the View Park Crowds link, have the MK, HS, EP, AK crowds listed for each park.

  5. There is a checklist of things to do. Actually being able to say you have completed that step would be nice. Either a check box or something similar.

  6. The crowd tracker on the right is not necessary if it is in the middle.

I have to leave for a while, but will play around more later tonight.

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First thoughts:

  1. Checklist area: Create an actual check-box where I can click that I’ve accomplished that step.

  2. Right Nav area drops below middle section during a browser re-size which seems awkward.

  3. Bottom line of the checklist reads “Make Dining Reservations” which makes me believe I will be able to reserve a table through that link. Other items on the checklist make it clear that your tools will help me make a decision but “Make Dining Reservations” makes me think I can do more with that link than I think I can.

  4. I’d like to be able to make personal notes in the middle section of the screen.

  5. When I click “Add Trip” a popup appears that does not contain a “cancel” button. I realize I can click outside the popup to make it disappear but some users will appreciate a cancel button.

  6. You’re losing an upgrade opportunity on the “Add Trip” popup. Why not include all 4 areas a person can plan a trip for in the drop down box and gray out the ones that they are not subscribed to with an upgrade button attached?

  1. In the Right Nav area under Lines Usage, it reads “Num. Wait Times Submitted: __”
    The abbreviation “Num.” is unnecessary. “Wait Times Submitted” would be cleaner.

  1. I also feel like the weather section will take me to a detailed weather view when I click in that box. If you don’t want to provide a detailed weather view, I would separate the weather information from anything clickable.

  2. Finally (for now) and most importantly, the middle section leaves me unexcited. I’m not sure I would use this tool if it’s just a snapshot of the daily weather, a crowd number and a shortcut to the touring plan I selected for that day. Should I be able to add more details to that view so it feels like a home base for all of my information? If I could enter my choices somewhere after I’ve made them and they appear on my daily plans perhaps with confirmation numbers and reminders that might be interesting. I’m not sure we’re trying to recreate MDE here but a WOW factor is missing. If it’s not meant to keep my personal information at a glance, then maybe it could be universal information at a glance (park hours, EMH, or hard-ticketed or otherwise special events).

P.S. The countdowns are excellent! Great touch! :clap:

I’ll keep looking. These are some initial thoughts for discussion.

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Yeah that’s a known issue - we haven’t built the css to make mobile pretty yet. Think I’ll add in something to detect mobile and redirect for now.

Thanks for all the feedback already guys. One thing to keep in mind as I’m reading through your notes here - this is by no means feature complete. The only thing we’re really testing here is very basic layout and initial “make a trip” functionality - there is going to be a lot more when we’re done with this thing.

Also, we have not started optimizing this for mobile phones or tablets - so if you’re testing on an iPad, be aware that you’re likely to come up with some odd things, thought it’ll probably mostly work, heh.

A large majority of the requested features I’ve seen so far are already on the list. :slight_smile: So don’t worry too much about what’s missing for right now (though we always appreciate suggestions!), we’re just checking in to make sure we’re on the right track with what’s there so far. Thanks!

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Looks like you’re having session issues and it’s not seeing you as logged in. I’m pushing a fix for this in a few minutes.

Sarah (& Len),

This is really really awesome! Initially when I went to create a trip, it created it six times, and I had to delete five of them. But it picked up all my PTPs that I’d already made for those dates flawlessly.

I know it is separate software, but is there some way to further integrate the forums into the dashboard? That’d be really cool, whether it be a list of my threads or a list of threads I might find useful.

Is there any way if, let’s say I’ve made an Epcot plan for December 1st, that the dashboard will show the crowd level for that day specifically at Epcot alongside my plan in the dashboard? Or even the start and end time of the plan steps? Maybe I’m asking for too much here…just thinking out loud.

I’m looking at it on a tablet right now, so I’m probably not getting an optimal look layout wise. I’ll view from a PC tomorrow and report back any suggestions on that.

Edited to add: You may want to note the weather stuff is “average”. Can’t help it…it’s my profession. :slight_smile:

OK, I’m playing with it now and thus far it has two of my upcoming four trips. I’m pretending I have NO idea how to plan a WDW trip, and working from there.

It created my first trip five times…I wish :smile:

I’m working on it a little bit too. I’m adding everything into a WORD doc and will upload to GOOGLE docs and share it here later tonight. I’m testing it in Firefox and Chrome on Windows XP and looking at it like the newbie I once was. LOL

So far, it also duplicated my trip 9 times.

I just checked this thread and realized testing started. It took me a minute to figure out where I was supposed to start… but then realized that I just had to start from the main TP page and there was my Dashboard, all bold and everything. I’ll check it out and let you know how it goes.

Okay–First attempt failed. I added a trip, hit “save” and nothing happened. I went back, tried again, tiny screen says “Trip created! Scroll down to see your new trip b…” No option to close the window. Tried again. Nothing.
Reloaded Dashboard, and my trip appeared! It’s duplicated 4 times.
Hey, how does it know where I’ll on the 16th, 17th and 18th? Because I have made Touring Plans for those days! Cool!

First thoughts: I’d like to see the park crowd level breakdown on the trip page without navigating to the Crowd Calendar. Maybe just a simple breakdown like 2/4/5/3.

I’ll play around with it more tomorrow! (Have to help DH bottle beer!!)

Feel free to sign me up. I land in the world on 8/3 so I can get you a compressed user timeline :wink:

When do you need feed back by …took a quick look tonight but really going to get into it tomorrow night when I’m free

Happy to help if you need more people

Hmm, it doesn’t seem to be working for me. I’ll try logging out and closing the browser.

@len I realize I’m late to the party. I just saw this and am responding to your comment that this is for people inexperienced in planning a WDW trip and most here are experts. Sept is the 1st one I’ve planned since the mid nineties. If you need someone with little exp to try out I too would be happy to help

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Ok, some of this has already been said, but it’s probably important to note what OS/browser we’re all using :smile: For me, I’m on Win 8.1, using the latest Chrome. I just started playing with things, but this is what I have so far…

  1. Save button on Add A Trip does nothing when clicked (visibly, other than change color, then revert to its’ normal color). Trip is actually saved - more than once if I click the button more than once.

  2. The date popup in Add A Trip isn’t working - technically. Once I manually close the Add A Trip window, the calendar appears (so technically it did pop up behind the window). This is also true when making Touring Plans, by the way.

  3. Old personalized touring plans (that I thought I deleted) are showing up in the Personalized Touring Plan section.

  4. I like how my plans for the dates I entered the trip for showed up automagically :smile:

My testing results. I tried to do this as a NEW person. Apologies as some of this has probably already been detailed. I tested using IE and Chrome.
• Add new trip - unable to add with no dates if a trip is already added - automatically picks up the dates you have done
• Add new trip - once you click SAVE it doesn’t go anywhere - if you then ESC out you can’t see the trip unless you then click on ATOMIC DASHBOARD again you can see the trip was added at the side
• Love how it added my plans into the dates they were created for - this is great for someone like me who doesn’t delete old plans, keeps it more organized
• In trying to think of this as someone new who doesn’t have the experience with TP I wonder if it would be better when someone clicks on PICK DATES on the left side of the checklist - if it brings them to: as this provides an excellent summary of what they are about to do in terms of checking the “crowd calendar” for their dates - they might already have their trip dates but the calendar is going to help them decide which park to do on which of their dates. PICK DATES and PICK PARKS go to the same link so it maybe confusing. PICK PARKS can then bring them to the Disney Crowd Calendar
• CROWD TRACKER - it is showing all days on the right side - not just the trip you are currently on - would be great if it could populate for the trip you are currently viewing
• In the middle section where you can view crowds, it does bring me to the correct day, works great. For the PLANS + Plan - it automatically brings me to personalized - for someone new I think it would need to bring them to a list of plans. Maybe another way to set it up that might make it easier for a newbie - have them click to choose park - so add another tab in the centre. Once they choose park if they go into +Plan it shows them plans for that particular park. Personalized plans still show on the options so if they are looking for that they can find it.
• I think an actual calendar would be handy - like an outlook calendar that you can click on each month maybe under the MY TRIPs before the Checklist
• Lines Usage and Badges - this looks great - I know you are still working on fonts/colour therefore I won’t comment on this for now. But for someone new - I am not sure what would show there but I think it is important for there to be information on what it means - a link to description of submitting times and why
• Again - I know this is just an intial view - but I will comment on the weather - I think this is a great idea - but maybe its possible to populate this when you are 10 days out - not sure if the plan is to pull for weather info and populate
• Overall I think it’s a wonderful addition to the site and look forward to seeing it progress

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I really like the dashboard. It is really great that the touring plans are available right next to the dates.

Some things that I would change:
-The light gray lettering for the date/destination/trip name under “Add A Trip” could be darker. It may be hard for some people to see.

-Pick Dates and Pick Parks bring you to the exact same links. It might be better for Pick Dates show the Crowd Levels page and the Crowd Calendar for Pick Parks.

-It would be nice to have a “Cancel” button under “Add a Trip” instead of just “Save”. Some people may not know to just click outside of the box to bring them back to the main page.

-It would also be nice to be able to pick more than one location for a trip as many people may head over for a day to Universal. I am popping over there and had to create 3 separate “trips”. One for Disney, one for my time at Universal, and another one for the rest of my time at Disney.

Great job!

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I am viewing on a very large / wide screen through Firefox - all functionality works and looks good. So my screen is large and somewhat empty and much of my feedback is to move things to the center of my view once I complete them on the sides.

A baseline understanding would be good. I understand the TP planning tool to be the homework you complete before you journey into the MDE site and book everything? Describing the use and purpose up front should help people know what they are trying to accomplish.

  1. For the checklist action list I think days from departure is important. Expected release of Disney deals and discounts. Most new people don’t know these exist - I paid rack for YEARS. Also the timing when you might expect to see them. And then how to see them on line - click the button on top of the room rates to choose free dining for example. Then ADRs, some direction on when to look for air travel deals, making FPP+ selections, the master packing list and insight about helpful stuff, etc. They need days and actions of what to do. You could put in the movie list that is represented in the parks also - makes a fun countdown.
  2. First step is pick dates and when to go. Crowd calendar is helpful. Linking to how it works and how it should be used makes sense. I click the earily easy link I am in the crowd calendar and I see dates that look good and I am picking a park. Click - I expect it either choose that park and date and adds it to my plans dashboard or in the next screen where we see ride detail there is an action button to “choose this park and this date” and it comes over to my dashboard
  3. When I see Add Plan, i thought this was where I pick my park and what dining reservations I made. I did not think Touring Plan (and I am not a rookie). My natural flow is when to go to WDW, then which park to do on what days and then how should I attack the parks. Somewhere on that spectrum I discovery places I want to eat and extras that I want to add. But that is the basic brain walk I do. The middle of the screen then flows with here is your vacation block of days, here is the crowds by park, which one on what days, now let’s make a plan to get through that park and accomplish your goals.
  4. When I click into the resorts, and this makes sense as next step, I feel like along the discovery journey I should “choose this resort” and it is added to my plans. OR if I pick my resort on my dashboard, the resort name becomes a hyperlink to resort information and review. Include DME information blurb on the dashboard if selected (arrival day transport time " Resort arrival time… / Resort departure time…"
  5. Same for dining. I would like to actively add dining options to my wish list into my park days as a I flow around the site. Within the restaurant area of the site there should be an ability to choose the restaurant from a drop down, navigating through menu items is hard, new people wont know which TS / CS are in each park… Example - I read the CRT reviews, I might be driven into forum for liner input and I decide we will try for CRT. I like the details of which reservations are hard to get and how to get them. So I want to add CRT to my homework - I click “add to my plans” and I choose the date. If I am not planning ot be in MK that day, we should have something that advises the user their choice is in a different park from where they plan to be and tells them to plan 90minutes to travel there and they will need park hopper to get there.
  6. Once I decide which tickets, same thing - being my decision forward to my dashboard.

I see the final product as my print out I use to get on MDE and try to book my plans. If i get what I want, and as you continue to evolve, I can confirm my choices and then forum and your blogs could be brought forward as helpful link. Maybe 3 at a time. I would include transportation info based on the resort they choose as well, plus.

I think the pre-work with intelligence will make the user experience in MDE much better. There is so much to choose, going in with a plan will help, and I think of my dashboard as a plan of how I will attack MDE. For new people going to any Disney park / cruise, the concept of how much planning is required / can help you is mind boggling. As a new guest I purchased the deluxe dining plan for myself and 4 year old son, made no ADRs because I had no idea I needed to. I had purchased and read the UG and managed to get in to HDDR, but paid OOP because I didn’t think it was really a restaurant. I see the Dashboard as leading new guests through basic planning steps so they might better enjoy their trip. Communication about where it fits in their total Disney planning and vacation is important up front. I see it as an interactive notepad that may connect their ideas to blogs / topics / tools to help them execute the plan.

The renew and upgrade / subscribe area is busy. We could consolidate and I like the idea of prompting to upgrade when I choose my destination.

Adding the actions to take in order is helpful. I have avoided DCL because I have no idea what I am doing. A planning tool through dashboard will help.