My Children's Worst Trip to Walt Disney World Ever (A Live Trip Report)

Thank you, I have. I know that I will meet that sweet baby someday, and, until then, my daddy is up there holding her tight for me :slight_smile:

It was actually just two moms/babies. I was the primary donor for a sweet baby girl for well over a year. I was very blessed and able to pump 20+ ounces a day for her. She was adopted and couldn’t tolerate formula. Then I helped out another mama that had supply issues.

Indeed! I was trying to set @OBNurseNH up for a TWSS…


My niece used donated milk for her adopted daughter who was a premie. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Multitasking into the later evening. I failed you. I’m sorry :disappointed:


I probably didn’t give you enough time. Happy Thanksgiving!




I’m two weeks late on this but DO NOT GO THROUGH THE BW LOBBY! That’s what we did on our first trip, we got super lost, the 20 minute walk to Hollywood Studios took 45, we missed Rope Drop, our Touring Plan was shot to h-e-double hockey sticks, and it took me seriously hours to bounce back from it (I may have been overly invested in my touring plan).


Awwwww she is so cute!!! Love a big baby!


Thank you!!


Btw I hope it’s understood that while this was my children’s worst trip to WDW ever, it was also their best ever!! Y’know, since it was their first time. I credit my DH with that clever trip report name- it was his idea.

I bought this ornament from the gift shop at YC and just now discovered that it lights up! BONUS!


I knew that! I is smart! :joy:

Love the ornament! Great memento of your trip.


Yep! it was definitely understood.

Awesome! I love it! That’s one thing we did not buy on our last trip, an ornament. I thought about it on the way home.


Have you considered having the birth day(s) photographed by a birth photographer? Listening to the passion in your voice leads me to believe that you would value having the experience documented in that way.


I have some AMAZING photos from my daughter’s birth.
Some that are suitable for sharing
Some that are more private in nature.

I treasure them.


I wish I would have had some taken. We have so many from afterwards but the whole labor/birth process with each baby is such a blur in my memories and we have maybe a handful of photos from the delivery room.


Yes! I had my sister at my first birth and she took pictures. I told her, “I want all the pictures! I want the head coming out if you can get it!” Lol. They were law quality (inexperienced photographer, low lighting, no flash) but I absolutely treasure them. And she did get the head one and you get the gist even with the blurriness :joy:

At the second birth, my sister had a 3 month old and wasn’t really in a position to come. I asked a friend to come take pictures, but that was poorly planned. She lived across the border in Ontario and didn’t have her own transportation. :woman_facepalming:t2: So that didn’t pan out. I had a backup friend planned, but it was late when I called her and I think she had “do not disturb” on. I could’ve called her twice to bypass it, but my labor was really intense and all of a sudden, I wasn’t sure if I wanted anyone else there except DH and my midwives. My labor ended up being 3 1/2 hours from first contraction until baby born, and my primary midwife got there a half hour before birth. So no photographer, BUT my husband caught it on his GoPro which was up on the mantle (not attached to anyone’s head, alright :joy:) so we have video. I treasure both the photos and the video, differently though.

I would love to have a professional photographer some day. But the cost is prohibitive. I understand why- it’s a lot to be on call- but the cost of photography is near as much as my midwife and that’s just ridiculous to me. But next time, I will try harder to have someone reliable set up to come take pictures. Even if they’re blurry. Or who know, maybe I’ll task DH with manning the camera. Whereas I was all about his help during my first time, I was pretty much “there’s nothing you can do here” toward him this time around.


I had a doula the first time and she took the photos. I had a doula mainly for my husband. I was well versed because of my work in what to expect. But he really needed her. And she did a bunch of extras like the photos.

When my son was born our doula was battling cancer. She came to visit us but was definitely not up to doula-ing. So my husband took photos. They are really different but it is neat to see what his eye saw too. I love those photos as much as the ones of my daughter’s birth because of that.


That’s so awesome. I really think he’d enjoy taking the photos- and that’s a great point! It’d be interesting and lovely to see it from his perspective. Maybe #3 will be the lucky one who gets photos AND video of her birth.


That’s one of the best parts about photography is that it’s as much about the photographer as it is the subject of the photo. @Broph1988 I’m happy to reach out to my network to help you find a professional photographer if you want when the time comes that is reasonably priced.


So, not to side track from birth because I don’t mind keeping this thread there for the rest of forever, but I’ve delayed my “finishing thoughts” time and time again thinking “oh I’ll sit down at a computer and do it proper when I have the time” but the time hasn’t come now that I’m home so I’ll just do it on my phone. I wanted to do it at the airport, but there’s no downtime at the airport with two little ones.

Just a couple thoughts to get out there that I’m not sure I covered:

All you people who tout laundry at WDW, UGH. The soap they sell is terrible- no problem, next time I can bring my own. But for now, some things came out stained that wouldn’t have with my good ol’ Tide original powder.
I can’t figure out the low-heat cycle on the dryer- next time, maybe a little more education beforehand would help, but for now, some of our shirts came out a little smaller than they went in.
Laundryview didn’t work at all. Either I couldn’t find the correct room, or it was completely inaccurate. Either way, no go. Thankfully wasn’t a problem since we were right around the corner from the laundry room and, you know, I have a timer on my phone.
And last, and the greatest offender, the gasket to the drum is the washer was diiisgusssting. So gross. Slime was in there. And I didn’t discover it until after my clothes were washed. And a little baby sock got stuck in there. Yuck yuck. I didn’t do anything about it- I was dealing with lack of naps and some other personal struggles that first resort day, but I did mention it, stress it, in my post-visit survey they sent me about my stay at YC. It was really the only negative I had to say about my trip. I’m sure the CM cuts are to blame and this is not the norm.

My other thought was just that there was certainly some sadness triggered by the COVID changes and atmosphere. Which I read about others experiencing also. I’m so glad we went. We had lots of magic. And not knowing when/if COVID will ever blow over, it was 100% the right decision for our family not to wait, even though Disney is a rare vacation for us (first and last time was 4 years ago). It was sad to have to keep my child away from other children and other people in general. It was sad not to get to see many of DS2’s hard-to-come-by smiles. He is such a stoic 2 year old.

But I was comforted by the fact that next time we go will be like the very first time as far as he’s concerned. And if masks aren’t gone 4 years from now, hopefully it will be enough of the norm that there won’t be that same sadness (though that’s a grim though, eh?)

Although DH says “we’re never traveling with small children again” (I still don’t think he means it), he has already said, “next time we go to Disney” so he, too, is still captivated by the magic :heart:


Are you a photographer @dianelynn? Can you come? :grin: how does your network look in MI?