Mug of the Day (ish) Because I Miss Disney

Which ones are the most recent ones? That you just posted.

Yes, they arrived Saturday and were ordered 6/2.

this place arrived first w/in a week: Specializing in Unique Custom Disney Inspired by ClubhouseButtons (

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Oops one more today. Not Disney but speaks to my mood today :smiling_imp:


Not surprisingly, really hard to drink out of


This is the perfect opportunity to convert Darth Vadar into a planter… just a small succulent :rofl::rofl::rofl: Just imagine one of these…



Great minds think alike!


:heart_eyes: I’ve been wanting the skyliner mug too… I need to plant something in it :wink:

My DH said they were asked for a quote today at their daily scrum. He said, “Great minds don’t think alike, they think for themselves.” BUT I believe in a collect conscious soooooo ppl do have common ideas and thoughts. But I digress :wink:


Technically these are my kids but I covet them daily


Those are your kids?

Hello Mrs Potts!



Hahaha :rofl: grammar stymies me again!
Ahem - these are my kids’


I love these!!!

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This is in my suitcase somewhere. I hope it made it home safe and sound…and I really need to unpack already. We’re going to the beach next Wed. I’ve got to repack already.

Also Goofy is not on the mug……cow? Just kidding.


Found it and I’m so excited. It so me!


Ha! I need that mug! Here I am sitting on the couch about to start reworking our Disney plans, and my trusty sidekick is velcroed to my side as always; my other one is on his bed keeping an eye on me. They are still upset that I left them for a week to go to Universal! Our Disney trip will be even longer.


When we got back from two weeks at WDW my girls would not stop jumping on me. I’m down to two dogs which is the lowest number of dogs I’ve had since 2016. I have had in the high teens of a number of dogs at times (due to having litters of puppies plus 6 or 7 adults or teenaged dogs) FYI I don’t breed I’m just in rescue so I take the knocked up ones off the streets and give 'em a safe place to raise their pups, spay them and find em all homes! And I only had that number of adult dogs because people return puppies and I keep finding em loose on the streets and can’t just leave them there. ha ha ha


The most we have had at any one time is four. All of ours are and always have been rescues. Our 2 boys we have now came from our county animal control. They are an odd pair-a border collie and a shih tzu- but they are so compatible and best buddies. Love that you rescue! We have a rescue kitty as well, but she’s currently surveying her queendom via DS’s dormer window upstairs. :joy:


I’m honestly a little bit worried about our cats’ mental health as we get ready to leave them for 10 days after 18 months of someone always being home.


LOL, I have one that stays upstairs and have a bed right underneath the window and always leave the blinds a little open (The window goes all the way to the floor). She monitors the goings on of the neighborhood from up there all day sometimes. I call it her TV.
Thank you for rescuing. I recently read an article that if everyone who had a dog adopted instead of shopped the shelters would be (negatively) empty; in other words there is room for some breeding if just more people would adopt! and I’ll shut up now and we can discuss mugs again LOL

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Hopefully with them being together they’ll be just fine. Do you board them, or do you have someone come over to take care of them?