More odd behaviors on mobile

I keep getting logged out? Chrome on an iPhone.

I have a weird thing happening where sometimes all of the text on a page appears bold.

Then, after a few seconds (maybe when the page truly finishes loading) it blinks and goes normal.

Not a big deal at all. Just an observation.

Me too a couple times but it only last maybe a second if even that.

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In my experience, it has not helped. Worth trying though.

I also still see the auto scroll. This time, I went to the Memes thread. I started reading where I had previously left off. As I scrolled down, I hit a point where it apparently needed to fetch the next bank of posts…and that’s when it just started autoscrolling all the way to the end of the thread. Probably skipped about 10-20 posts, best I can figure.

Okay. I just realized how I can make this happen 100% of the time. There may be other causes, but this does it.

  1. Find a thread with quite a few unread posts.
  2. Open the post. It should open to the first unread lost.
  3. Scroll down (quickly, because this makes it easier to reproduce) until you reach the bottom of the ALREADY LOADED messages (which will also show the bottom).
  4. As it now attempts to load the next batch of unread messages, it will just keep going… automatically jumping to the bottom of the newly loaded messages, at which point it starts loading the next batch of unloaded/unread messages.

I tried this on a few different threads with quite a few unread messages, and I could cause it to happen each time, no problem. This was on my phone. I will try it on the desktop version when I get a chance.

ETA: Can’t reproduce it on the desktop, just the phone. FYI.


Are you still have this issue? I am.

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New oddity for me. Usually I start my day on here by checking what’s new. Then I head to unread.

Yesterday I had this happen several times while reading and it did it again this morning. I’m in the unread category

Then I’ll tap a post and read it. When I hit the back arrow instead of taking me back to the other unread posts it took me to new.

It wasn’t always these two categories. A couple times last night it took be back to this screen.

Anybody else seen this happen?


I only have mine sorted by unread, but I have had it take me back to the main page or take me back, but doesn’t show that I read the thread I just read.

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I’m still having this tiny text box issue with the huge white space at the top.

Also every time I refresh my page or switch between WDW and La Cava I get these rainbow dots and it takes longer than it should to load.

I’ve seen those dots a few times too.

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Anybody else getting dupe posts again? Seems to happen after I close the video ad at the top.

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Are you sure they aren’t playing copycat? :joy:


I’m aware this thread is from a year ago, but what’s @ryan1 describes in this post still happens to me daily…

However, my reason for digging this thread up is because I’ve been experiencing a new odd phenomenon…

For the last week or so, I occasionally open a thread with perhaps only a few new posts and it randomly glitches back up the way, probably about 20 or so posts.

This isn’t quite as annoying as the original skipping posts because I’ve already seen the posts it skips me to so I can more easily identify where to scroll back down to, but it’s still annoying.

A couple of times I’ve chosen just to go back to the main page and reopen the thread to get back to where I was. This has worked and, so far, I haven’t seen it throw me back up the thread twice in a row.

Anyone else seen this happen?


Hmm. Actually, now that you mention, I THINK that has happened to me. But when it happened, I thought maybe I had done something to cause it. Unlike the skipping posts issue, which I completely understand why it is happening and how to cause it, I so far have experienced what you are explaining now maybe twice? I’ll have to pay more attention.

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This happens to me all the time.

Also often i will read the new posts and when I back out it still says I have new ones to read.


Yes it happens often. I usually just tap the back button


Actually that happens to me too, however a pull to refresh usually sorts that right out :+1:t2::crossed_fingers:t3:


Happens to me too, more so the past week or two. I thought it had something to do with a weak cell signal but I guess not.

It’s like the forum brain didn’t remember that I already read those replies.

Maybe an android thing?