Mom & son trip report Operation: Enduring Hope 2 - electric boogaloo

Met @ajcraw102! As promised she waved! As not promised, she was kind enough to get in on a group shot! ( only took three tries because I’m so techy, I can’t figure out a flash on a camera! Lol)


Welp, that was smart of me. Went and talked to the DVC peeps… and I think I’m about to be out some monies. :rofl: (but they went and gave me a $75 gift card, so it’s all even, right?)

I’m sitting here trying to think of a reason NOT to go for being a DVC member and I’m coming up empty. Which makes me nervous as the old adage “if it’s too good to be true…” keeps echoing in my head. But I’m not seeing any real con here. The money seemingly is going to work out and I’m definitely not looking to end this Disney Additiction anytime soon and I like the idea of being able to use the points in more than just DisneyWorld. Sooo, yeah.

Getting back to trip itself, mom’s currently resting as BOG in the morning and a quick jaunt around MK wiped her out. We’ll be hitting up 50’s Prime Time Cafe tonight, which was her favorite place last time and then (hopefully) fantasmic.


Don’t feel bad. We really want to do DVC, too.

Have a great time at 50s PT. Hope you get to see Fantasmic!


What an awesome photo! I know everyone has been saying it but your mom looks so much happier and healthier on this trip. I’m so glad you two were able to do this. Fingers crossed that Fantasmic works out for tonight. :grinning:


Made it to 50s PT and got GREAT seating compared to last time.


Reading this and seeing the smiles in the pictures is making my heart happy! Based on your pics alone, this trip is a success!


Any reason you haven’t yet?

And we’re here for fantasmic! Moms energy is holding, I think we’re good!!


The Very Best Mickey is at the end!!! Don’t miss him!

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We just bought our first contract (closed at the end of July) and just got back from our first DVC stay :slight_smile: We bought resale for cost savings. Something to think about! We spent a long time (at least 2 years) researching everything to the nth degree, so that once we were ready to take the plunge we had no reservations whatsoever.


Looks like a great night! I too recently bought DVC, but I bought direct. My son is 26 and it is something that he can have for the next 50 years (or sell it in 20-25 years). To me, resale contracts for 25 years- the cost per point would have to be under $90 to equal direct for 50 years . I just bought 2 APs with my direct benefit (gold) for almost the same price as the one AP I bought for the 3rd nonDVC member of our group.

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I’ve been researching for the past year so that there were no surprises. The biggest “issue” is my own “greed”: I wanna stay at WDW like 2 weeks every year and want a theme park view every time… well this is a tad unrealistic with my budget.

That said, a more “adulting” and conservative setup puts it well within my budget. Outside of not getting enough points to satisfy my greed, I think I’m pretty good to go.


Made it! Mom liked it… but said she is good never seeing it again. No shock. Still, at least we got it in.

Stadium was pretty packed.


Hey for these vipassholder things, think they’ll forgive a rrrrreally late check in? Definitely did not make the 9:30 cut off.


Welp, doesn’t matter. There’s no way to get to Epcot that doesn’t include lyft/Uber and I’m already 20 minutes till it ends anyway. Bailing and going to Disney springs instead.

Ah well.

No shocker, but mom is wiped and went to bed. I’m calling it a successful night.

Sitting here on the bus to Disney springs, I feel seriously under dressed in my T-shirt and shorts. Everyone here is dressed up. #awkward :rofl:


Glad you got your show. Everything is going well for you. Enjoy.

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Breakfast on the balcony!

(Looking at the photo, it’s an apparent “surprise breakfast in the balcony” :rofl:)


Off to Epcot for food and wine… oorrrr more accurately referred to today as “2nd breakfast”


Not all resale contracts expire in 25 years though.


Although ours will, we will be in our late 60s/early 70s by then. I hope our kids will want to be using the contract(s) by then, but they will be full adults with their own lives by then. We can’t make the assumption that they will happily assume the cost of the contract(s), and we will be happy not to be beholden to maintenance fees at a time in our life when we will be on or soon to be on a fixed income. Yes, this was part of our discussion and decision making process. I understand that this increases the overall per-year cost of the contract over its life, but the cost to us right now was what mattered most of all.


This was our reasoning as well. Our contract expires in 36 years, which puts me and my husband in our 70s and my oldest son at 40. So we would potentially even get a few good years with the grandkids as well!