MEMORY MAKER SHARE for 5/25 - 5/31? WDW?

Im interested in a share from May 30-June 4 if you arent full…

Hey! I’m so sorry we are full and have purchased our mm already. There was another one around…hopefully they still have room.

Thanks…they are full too. Hopefully I will find one!

This is knowledge I have gained from doing shares in the past and from others experience that has been posted in the group.

The pre-order price is currently $169.00, which includes tax. The price is subject to change at any time. Cost per person depends on how many participate in the share OR what price the Group leader sets it at. A good group leader will put in a little work to make sure everything goes smoothly and it is up to them if they split the cost evenly or charge a set fee for each group. If you agree on the price, pay and join the group then you have no reason to complain. You also have to take into consideration whether the Host is buying CDs and mailing them out. (Most people download their own now - See paragraph on how to download easier.) Most Host accept payment through PayPal and/or personal check. If using PayPal put in as a personal money transfer and not as a purchase that way the Host is not charged a fee on what you send. (Some people think only scammers do it this way so you are not protected. If uncomfortable sending the money as a gift - you can pay the extra 2-3 dollar fee it cost for the Group leader to receive the money) It is a good idea to have payment at least a month before the first person leaves for their trip just in case someone drops out there will be time to replace them.
 I think it is best to try and keep the members of a share to groups that are actually going within the same time period such as the first of the month, middle of the month, last of the month. So each person will at least overlap one of the other group. It is not good to try and stretch it over a 30 day period. And it definitely is not recommended to use the Memory Maker account for multiple GROUP SHARES. Meaning don’t host a share for say 5-7 groups of people then try deleting them and hosting another share for 5-7 more groups of people. ALSO I WILL DELETE ANYONE IN THIS GROUP THAT TRIES THIS IF I HEAR OF IT.

To do a Memory Maker Photo share the Host can setup a Ghost Disney account and link all the Magic Bands as Friends (This includes the Host’s Magic Band also). If the Host so desires he/she can use their main Disney Account. Once the Ghost Disney Account is set up the Host will need to send each member in the group an email to link their Magic Band. This email is sent from the Ghost account when you invite the person to link their band - it is not a personal email you send out.
 If a member of the group is staying offsite and does not buy magic bands they can still participate using the Photopass cards the photographers hand out in the park. When they are ready to upload their pictureas they just need to add the numbers on the back of each card that they have. Just a tip if using the Photopass Cards - write down or text yourself the Photopass card number(s) in the event a card is lost. I actually take a picture of the back of my Photopass cards in case I lose one.

Once a participant has accepted the invitation, the Leader should go in and invite the other members of the family. That way, every family member can use their own Magic Band to get pictures. Alternatively, those other family members could just use physical PhotoPass cards, as would families staying off site without Magic Bands; however, they would be unable to get the ride photos.

TO ADD OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: The leader, using the dummy account, should go under “My Disney Experience” click on “My Friends & Family.” You will see a blue circle with a + sign in - “Add a Guest” feature, click on this. A list should open up with the friends & families of the bands that are already linked. Just check the ones you want linked. Or just link them all and everyone can scan their band for pictures.
 I found that it usually will not let you link children under the age of 13, however, sometimes it would. As a word of precaution make sure if it is a child under 13, that they are linked or that the group knows not to let them scan their band for pictures. If you cannot link them and they do scan for pictures there is no way to get those pictures onto the Ghost account. See the section below for instructions on how to add family members through the MDE phone app if you can’t add them through the PC.

If the Friends & Family members linked through the first band does not have their own personal MDE account - such as spouses/children - and because the original band attached manages these accounts, the invitation to connect is sent to the account of the person whose band was linked first, and will appear under “Notifications” in the MDE control panel. FOR THE FRIEND & FAMILY member to be LINKED the person who manages their bands will have to get this notification and either ACCEPT or DECLINE the invitation for the band to be LINKED. HOWEVER, if you send an invite to someone that is linked through the first band that has their own MDE account - meaning that the original person DOES NOT MANAGE this persons account - the invite will go to their personal MDE account and will have to be accepted through their account.

Each person will have to edit any bands linked to the ghost account to allow for photo sharing by clicking the edit button by each band and then checking the box next to this statement. “This friend can view and purchase my PhotoPass photos. This friend can view and purchase my PhotoPass photos.”

Everyone will be able to see their photos on their own Disney Account as well as on the Ghost Disney Account; however you must do the EDITS on the Ghost Disney Account. Any edits done on your own Disney Account will not transfer to the Ghost Account where the pictures will be ordered from. YOU CAN ONLY EDIT AND DOWNLOAD PICTURES FROM THE MAIN (GHOST) ACCOUNT.

If you can’t add other family members on the PC try using the MDE app on your phone. Open the MDE app on your phone and sign out. Sign into the dummy account on your phone. Select my profile from the drop down menu. Select the friend or family member that has people on their account that you want to invite. Select view this person’s friends. Select the friend from the list and check the add to my family box, then click on the Invite to plan and share button at the bottom. This should send an invitation to the main account to accept
 Another thing to add - IF YOU ARE MISSING ONE OR TWO PICTURES FROM THE GHOST ACCOUNT - DO NOT GO CALLING DISNEY ABOUT THIS. It sends up a red flag for them to monitor accounts. It will not be the end of your life if you miss a couple of pictures. Also if you play around with linking and unlinking the bands that will sometimes fix the problem. Also pictures will appear to be missing but when you log out and back in a few hours later WALA the pictures are there. PLEASE DO NOT CALL DISNEY UNLESS YOU ARE MISSING AT LEAST A DAYS WORTH OF PICTURES FROM AN ACCOUNT. If the pictures are missing from both the GHOST ACCOUNT and the PERSONAL MDE ACCOUNT. The person missing the pictures should go through their personal account to contact DISNEY to find the pictures. Once the pictures are restored to the personal MDE account they should carry over to the GHOST ACCOUNT.

The Memory Maker Photos are uploaded automatically if you are using a Magic Band. As of now March 2015, each photo is good for 45 days from the date it was taken. Each photo has its own expiration date. Disney no longer mails out a CD so the Host can download all the photos and separate them by groups, make a CD,
and mail it out to each group. OR each person in the share can download their on pictures. I found it easier to download all the pictures and just delete the ones that were not my family. (See why below)


Due to how slow the Disney site runs it is a good idea for each member to have a dedicated time frame (around 3-4 days) to edit their photos. Then at the very end, people could do last minute editing if they needed to.

You can have as many Photos taken as you would like. There is not a limit to the number of photos per account.

OH, one last Photopass share rule - YOU MUST BE OKAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE SEEING YOUR FAMILY’S PHOTOS. Only the members of our share will be able to see them but that will be a few other families. The way I look at it is I am sure that I am in thousands of WDW photos that I am unaware of. If you feel uncomfortable with others being able to see your family’s photos, it is best to not join a share.

Added 1/20/15__

Just a FYI Post: IF the account is set to “View only Our Shared Activity” on the Ghost account THEN you WILL NOT see the MM on your personal account. You can only see it in the Ghost account.

I just did it both ways with my account and this is how it showed up. I like to set my shares up with the “View only Our Shared Activity” so everyone’s plans don’t show up on the Ghost account.

Link for information on Magic Shots you can have taken at Disney.

This is a good tutorial from the Disney website


To make the download process easier and not bog down the Memory Maker account with a ton of downloads - follow these instructions: First let me say that there is only one way to download “Just your own group’s pictures” and that is to do one picture at a time, which would totally bog down the account. So once
everyone on the account has returned home and edited their photos the Share leader will go in and Process the download. To do this just hit the “Download All” button on the Memory Maker page. This will create multiple zipped files with the pictures. I do suggest that the Share leader download and keep a copy of all zipped files until everyone has confirmed that they were able to download their pictures. These zipped files will have a name similar to this “Photo items – Mar 05, 2015 (Part 1)” and next to that will be a download button.

Once the Share leader has done this he/she would send each person in the group a message letting them
know they can go in and download from the files created. If each share member goes in within the next few days and downloads from the set of files created by the Share leader, it will make the process much easier for everyone.

Here is the message I sent to my share members once I had the files created and downloaded onto my computer:

If you go into the Ghost account and go the Memory Maker page. Click on the button at the top of the page that says “My Downloads” then download the files from there. There are ??? zipped files and it took me about 10
minutes to get them downloaded.

If each person will do this and not try to make new download files it should be easy for everyone to get their pictures and not bog the system down.

If we have any trouble I have them saved on my computer and can upload them into Dropbox.

The only way to download “just your pictures” is to do one picture at a time and this would cause a big bog down of the system. So please follow the directions above and delete the pictures that are not of your group.

Also once you download the files you have to extract the pictures from each file…this takes longer than the download does. The files are zipped and once you extract the files the pictures will show up.

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Am I the only one who sees this as stealing, tacky, and cheap as can be?