Marvel Cinematic Universe

Nope! In fact as he said it I did too.


Yeah, with so many MCU movies now, we’ll all have favorites and not-so-favorites. I think the character is actually given much more depth than he ever had in the comics as a total afterthought that kept getting rebranded.

I felt this iteration tried to hit the mark with a strong moral compass in a corrupt world, similar to Cap (but with kung fu and not as vocal or preachy), but really joins the club as an avenger by having complex daddy issues like Iron Man, Thor, Nebula and Gamora, Quill, Black Panther, etc. But kinda fits into Phase 4 overall themes of identity, new beginnings, and multiverse I guess. Agree about Katy being a bright spot and much needed infusion of comedy, other than Ben Kingsley’s nonsense. We’ll see what they do going forward. Not my favorite either but better than my expectations.


I love Trevor!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My favorites of the recent movies / series were the new Spider-Man and the show they called Hawkeye. After all the sad avengers movies, then Black Widow (where you know how it eventually ends) it was nice to have some more upbeat movies. It’s a tough time and I really want to watch some happy stuff!



We’re already very much aware that while we don’t know exactly what GOTG vol. 3 is going to be, it is going to be emotional. Multiple cast members have said it either in regards to just the script or the script and filming and the feeling on the set. And Gunn has said it is very much likely not the movie people are going to expect if they just base it off the first two.

I’m psyched for it though!!


Exact same sentiments.

With Eternals, despite it’s flaws, I really instantly loved the characters, hence why I liked it much more.

I watched Black Widow recently, it was ok but the ending was a mess. It went from kind of a “spy” thriller to avengers-level over the top. The floating (and very very slowly falling) sky station was ridicilous and too reminiscent of the carrier in Avengers.


A lot more of the MCU is making its-way to Disney +

"Daredevil" and Other Marvel Series Coming to Disney+ March 16 Along with Updated Parental Controls -



That is the only part of MCU I couldn’t do. I was able to stomach the first season of Daredevil but could only do maybe 2 episodes of Jones and only 1 of Cage. I haven’t seen a single second of Deadpool (I think that’s the one I’m thinking of) which sucks because I LOVE Ryan Reynolds but those trailers and the people who I know have seen it really put me off.

I just can’t with the gore. I don’t care if it’s “bad guys”. People’s insides need to stay inside.

I’m surprised at this move. But as my kid reminded me just this morning, Disney obviously has some serious mommy issues.

I, personally, prefer my Superhero’s cut down their opponents with quick wit and a dashing smile as opposed to actually cutting down their opponents.


Funny, I enjoyed Jessica Jones - mainly the first series because Kilgrave was way more interesting than her - but I couldn’t take the gore in Daredevil.

  • The updated controls will also roll out just in time for the MCU’s latest Disney+ series, Moon Knight , for which Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has said Marvel is “not pulling back” in regards to violence.
  • The addition of these new controls may have been in the minds of the creative team behind Moon Knight , allowing them a bit more freedom with this very different character.

Double yikes.

I googled Moon Knight and the Wiki page on him was interesting. But knowing that parental controls are being put in place with this specific series in mind has put me off. Which stinks because this would be an interesting story to follow.

> It is later revealed Moon Knight has dissociative identity disorder (incorrectly referred to as schizophrenia in some stories) and that the alter egos known as Grant and Lockley originally manifested during his childhood, subsequent identities (including an unnamed red-haired little girl and astronaut) emerging during his adulthood. It is debated in different stories whether Spector’s mental disorder is due to childhood trauma or the result of “brain damage” caused by his psychic connection to Khonshu, a connection compelling Moon Knight’s personality to shift between the four major aspects of the moon god’s multi-faceted nature (“the traveler”, “the pathfinder”, “the embracer”, and “the defender of those who travel at night”). Khonshu claims he created a psychic connection with Moon Knight when the latter was a young boy, decades before he was ready to be fully recruited as his avatar on Earth, the left Fist of Khonshu .[2]


I’m the same way. First season of Daredevil, but only one episode of Jessica Jones. I gave up after that.


I may stay away from this. As a mental health advocate, I do not like how the entertainment industry portrays mental illness 99.9% of the time. Thank you for the heads-up.


I couldn’t handle Jessica Jones’ PTSD. Too triggering. I’ll never watch it.
None of the Netflix series really interest me.


I watched the first seasons of Daredevil and of Jessica Jones. I liked Daredevil more than Jessica Jones, the plot with David Tennant’s character of Kilgrave was just a bit too creepy. I think I quit watching the various Netflix MCU series at that point. At the time, I was enjoying the other Marvel things that were on - Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Agent Carter, plus the various MCU movies that were getting more and more serious and connected.


Heck yes! Very unsettling!


I really loved Jessica Jones, but understand why others may not like it. I could not get into Daredevil at all.

It was very frustrating for me that Jessica Jones was clearly adults-only as my daughter refused to watch any Marvel movies at the time because there were so few women characters. She read the Ms. Marvel comics and I’m excited about that series starting soon.


I was going to ask about all these series. To be honest I never realized the Netflix series were really a part of the MCU, which they apparently are (?). I don’t think the main characters have appeared in the rest of MCU, so are there connections the other way around then?

For whatever reason, I’ve been under the impression that these are not up to par with the Marvel Studios series or MCU movies in general.


Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil appeared in Spiderman: No Way Home. Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin was in the Hawkeye series on Disney+. There are comments on the internet, including easy places to find such as the Wikipedia articles about the Daredevil and Jessica Jones series, that the people behind these Netflix series put great effort into making various people/places look the same as the MCU movies and to have characters mention people/places/things/events from the MCU movies. These series were produced by Marvel Television and ABC Studios, then released through Netflix. Now that the Netflix contract is ending, Disney is bringing them to Disney+ and also starting to bring various characters back into play in newer movies and tv series.


I really enjoy Marvel, but the Netflix series were a bit of a grind at times. The pacing was just a little too drawn out for me. Luke Cage was probably my favorite of the series, mainly due to excellent acting and the focus on community. Iron Fist season 2 broke my watching of the Netflix shows. I just didn’t like the character, couldn’t get into the story, and missed Daredevil s3, Punisher s2, and had absolutely no desire for Jessica Jones s3, as once I stopped watching in order, I never came back.

It’s my opinion that the involvement of Iron fist absolutely ruined the Defenders show - I wanted to like it so much, but it was slow and never felt like a true team-up against a worthy villain. It came across as very contrived.


Just finished Hawkeye.

Hated Ep1, wasn’t sure I wanted to bother with the series. But it picked up after that. And in the end liked it rather well

And I was not wrong at any point.

Hawkeye :heart: Black Widow more than Clint :heart: Laura