Marvel Cinematic Universe

Totally agree. I couldn’t watch Luke Cage properly. Far too graphic. And I don’t really see how any of these shows have anything to do with MCU.


I can’t say how much I enjoyed that show. I had watched the first 4 seasons back when it was first aired, but then life got in the way. I only just watched the entire series again when I got Disney+ and it was just mind blowing from season 5 on. So good!!


He rocks :+1:t2:

Again, Jessica Jones was one I watched way back when it first aired, so I can’t actually remember much about it, but you’ve reminded me that David Tennant was excellent in it.


Just settling down with Cap Am :heart:🤍:blue_heart::heart:🤍:blue_heart:


I should’ve been more clear; I was talking about the original Ironman. Didn’t care much for the sequels and 2+3 would be on my “skip list”.


It is so much fun to watch these. I watched them piecemeal and didn’t get the full effect of the final avengers because of it. Loved watching them through one Saturday night at a time with my husband and daughter at the beginning of COVID pandemic.

Completely agree with this. I would say Ironman 2 except it helps character development. Similarly an intro to characters is the other reason not to skip Thor.

Absolutely. This is why we watched it and then of course the trip got canceled because CA was still opening up. Still totally worth it!

And you can save the new Disney+ series for after the trip. And then watch the Disney+ recaps (I think it’s called “Legends”) before each series - only about 5 min per episode but reminds you of things you might have forgotten.

My favorites: Ragnarok, Dr. Strange, Gaurdians 1, Antman, Winter Soldier.

Seriously dislike Age of Ultron and the way this stupidity echos across the rest of the MCU.


I dislike age of ultron too. And I also really like Dr Strange.


Omg, my sons and I are just about to finally finish our chronological order rewatching of everything Star Wars, and DS12 said yesterday how we should rewatch Marvel stuff next!

When Disney+ first came out, I had just had surgery, so I had a lot of time on my hands, so these were the movies I decided to binge, and I loved them so much more than I thought I would. DS12 and I quickly became obsessed, not quite as big as our Star Wars obsession, but a close second! I love Iron Man and Captain America best as heroes, but Loki is my favorite character overall. I have a hard time picking a favorite movie. Maybe after we rewatch!

Can’t wait to follow along with your intro to everything Marvel!


If we did not get Age of Ultron, we don’t get Vision. Then we don’t get Wanda getting overwhelmed with grief and taking over Westview, New Jersey.

Then you must be very excited for the new Ghostbusters movie coming out in the fall!

I like what the MCU has done because there is a wide spectrum of movies for all to love and hate. It is really a personal preference as to which resonate with you.


You left out Helstrom


I’d try to fit them in if you have access to them.

Are we getting a new thread for this viewing event or building on this one?


I thought she meant that she liked Tobey Maguire/Andrew Garfield Spidey’s. Maybe I misunderstood.

Definitely fit the Tom Holland ones in, but the others are stand-alones IMO.


Just here for any viewing notes


The Toby/Andrew ones are the ones I meant


I love the Tobey Maguire ones! Not a part of the MCU, and I don’t hate the Tom Holland ones, but I do have a special place in my heart for the Tobey Maguire ones. Tom Holland version is more like the comic books, though, since he’s a teenager.


I’m a timeline person all the way. Particularly if you had watched some of them when they came out.
For example, If you liked the Dune books and read them in publication order, go back and read again in chronological order.


That makes more sense


Yeah it probably makes me a bad fan to like those. I know, I know.

But in my defense I’m not even a fan (yet)


No shame there. I like the Tobey McGuire films (1 & 2 mostly, with 2 being the best). I also liked the first Andrew Garfield film.


I thought the Andrew Garfield ones were great, I was sad there was no third film.


From the rumours we are hearing, the Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield films may be brought into the cannon after we see the next Spidey movie. We shall see.