I had no idea there were so many active users here. So many more lurkers than I would have guessed…
Longtime and regular lurker here.
(Oh no, am I ruining my lurker status by replying? …Um, never mind.)
I’m a daily lurker, but will comment if I feel I can add something of value
you can always add something of value! don’t be shy!
Same, but I don’t add much of value, I mainly ask questions!
As I don’t have a trip coming up, I am mostly here for the memes at this point, but I enjoy trip reports as well
Mostly I lurk, too… but when I have an upcoming trip (<50 days now!) I tend to be more active.
I’ve posted more when I’m planning or on a trip but when I don’t have a trip coming up I’m mostly here to live vicariously through others!
Lurkers, stand up and be counted (anonymously):
- I’m a lurker (totally or mostly)
0 voters
Good lord are there 2,000 people reading my TWSS jokes?
I have a hard time coming across a poll and NOT voting. I wish there was an option for non-lurkers or ex-lurkers lol
Yay! Memes !
And the same number ogling your sexy legs!
Imagine if one day when @Jeff_AZ is out and about with his family enjoying AZ’s outdoors, a stranger comes up to him and says “hey, aren’t you the guy with the sexy legs?”
Here’s a poll just for you, @Flavita:
- I’m a non-lurker or ex-lurker.
0 voters
(This one’s not anonymous.)
Phew, thank you!
This is totally going to happen, isn’t it?
I hope so. Give your wife a heads-up though
I am mostly a daily lurker. I don’t always feel I have much to contribute (especially when it had been 6 years since I had been at WDW) but enjoy reading all the trip reports and staying up to date on WDW. I love reading about WDW even though I can’t go every year.
I also tend to read in the evenings and often feel very late to the conversation that has taken place throughout the day.
Plus, everyone is nice/ kind to each other (even when teasing) and very funny. Much better reading then scrolling Facebook, Instagram or the news.