Lines chat vs TP forum

See the edit…

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Yes. I’m very glad there is no mindless banter on the forums…unlike chat. (Which I can only presume, since I’ve never actually been to chat.)


Nah. But there once was a very cliquey guy on these forums named ProfMatt. Fortunately he left for greener pastures on FB, to be never seen again in these parts.

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I liked him. He was nice.


sorry, my bad :wink:

You know what i don’t think I’ve ever seen here as a response to a new users question?

“Did you even try searching? ??”

Nobody does that here. They answer questions even if they’ve already done so 100 times. Or They search and link to another thread.


THIS!!! I have joined a few WDW facebook groups, and a lot of people are very nasty and uppity, and say this quite often.
Always makes me think of Thumper: “If you haven’t got something nice to say. Don’t say nothing at all!”


Well, obviously that would be a silly response. How can we have mindless banter on an OLD thread?


My view is that those people are just unhappy with their own life so I never let those people get to me. Happy people aren’t nasty or uppity.


I completely agree. Carrying around and projecting that much unpleasantness sounds exhausting. I’d much rather go along my happy way. Which is why I spend more time here with you fine people!

I should have guessed one of you…little people…would think that.

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Hey! I resemble that!!! :rofl:

I’ve sometimes thought it, but quickly dismiss it because Disney changes things almost seemingly day-to-day, so I think it’s best to keep asking/answering to make sure you get the most accurate and up to date info. (also to cover up when I give bad info. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Can’t tell ya how much DVC information is floating out there that is no longer relevant.

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Well, I wouldn’t go that far … not sure some of us reach the bar of fine people.

I have given an answer and gently reminded that using the search function could provide a LOT of additional info. If it’s something I’ve just answered too many times (e.g. “Favorite snack in each park - go” or any question with “worth it” in it) I typically just skip it.


I was, of course, meaning everyone who defines pudding as a specific food and not as an all-encompassing dining course :rofl:


Ha! Now that is re-opening up a can of worms!


That’s the best way. If i don’t feel like answering a particular question, i don’t. But if i see it has gone hours and nobody has answered i try to give a decent answer to at least bump it to the top.

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there’s a thread for that. But don’t tell anyone because it’s actually horrible

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