Lines 2.0 Beta Testers - 10 needed

Please, please, please, have chat threads read top down! Did I say please?


Completely agree with @PrincipalTinker. Makes most sense to me to have the question at the top followed by the first response, then read down to most recent response. The thing that drives me away from Twitter is that I always feel like I’m coming into the middle of a story. It’s impossible to tell where conversations start.


Please, please, please change the order of chats to how it used to be. Please. Thank you.

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While I think it would be something that we’d eventually get used to, if it’s possible to change it to what we’re already used to, then I’d vote for that :+1:t2:
Please and thank you :grin:

Please put the chat order back with the most recent at bottom. Thank you for fixing the My Chats feature

Thank you for fixing the order of the chat threads but can’t it still be compressed so that latest is shown first and then you can see full sequence by clicking?

The done button is gone from my personalized TP. How will it optimize on the go?

There should be a swipe gesture that supports marking things as done - swipe left. Let me know if that doesn’t work.

I created a TP for AK dated today . When I first created it, it did not have a done button. I have been playing with the optimizing and done buttons and it is working great.

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Actually, swiping for buttons is gone :stuck_out_tongue: I decided it was better to just put everything on the plan step.

The “Done” button will only show up on plans set for today’s date. I didnt think it needed to be there for future plans since you couldn’t “complete” a step. But if people had a reason for marking steps on future plans as “Done” instead of just deleting them, I can always add it back in. :slight_smile:


Then it worked exactly as you planned when I tested it yesterday.


A little more info:

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Has anyone answered how to connect to the Forum on the 2.0 new app? I leave tomorrow and will need to know how to find the Forum if I am going to post trip report stuff from my phone. Thanks!!!

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There was an update the other day but it was not included . @len do you have a timeline on this? This issue was on chat this morning too. Also, you can post on chat without a subscription (like the forum)?

@DumboRunner, I always have the forum open in my browser. I have saved the link to my favorites.

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We’re working on a timeline - Brad (our developer) is in the path of a hurricane right now, so it might be delayed slightly. But it’s days or weeks, not months.

Thanks! Can a link to the crowd calendar (extended) and ALL of the menus be included too? Pretty, pretty, please?

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Added to the list.