Let’s all help @mousematt plan a COVID-free vacation :)

like stepping on a lego w/ bare feet :grimacing:


my cats are so weird, they don’t like catnip

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My pup is smol so no jumping on the bed with things. Otherwise I would be sleeping with winnie the pooh, a stuffed dog the size of her that looks like her, her tiny pink puppy and a hedgehog. When she gets a greenie, she immediately runs to her toy box/ corner and puts it in front of them. I’m not sure if she’s bragging or sharing :thinking:


More of this wholesome content plz


Too on the nose. Ugh.


The dog I’ve had for 5 years starts to go into depression whenever the suitcases come out. The little one that we’ve only had for 7 months hasn’t caught on yet. I actually put my suitcase in the spare bedroom and have been sneaking items in for the past few days so as not to get Jack too worked up too early.

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He says “I fit, I come with!”

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YUP! My dogs literally have a giant Halloween Mickey Mouse cloth container (like a laundry basket) full of Bark Box toys. They are very very spoiled. One of them likes to pull out the toys (like all of them) and leave them scattered around the house for you to pick up after her. She says the toys don’t belong in a basket; they belong where she left them in case she needs one within a foot of her at any given moment.

*Edit: And yes my dogs sniff every Amazon box in hopes it’s their bark box. They just expect; spoiled, spoiled spoiled!


Ma’am I think there is a fox in your home.


The trip report has begun: @Mousematt’s Don’t Catch A Disease trip — Now featuring Final Thoughts