Jollywood Party

I’ve never seen it so for me it’s new. I watched the opening night show rain and all on youtube and I liked it too. I was expecting Magic of Animation quality and it’s significantly better than that. Still no Star Wars (that show was amazing). But from what I can tell from reviews it’s the same show from 20-teens.

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I get you. And I DO feel bad for the CMs who are probably going to face the brunt of the disappointment people are feeling. I know for myself think this is all a Disney management failure, not at ALL a Disney CM failure!


I would say yes. But mostly for the NBC show that I don’t think you are interested in anyway.

Right! You should go back and read some of my comments over the last 2 1/2 years :wink:


Here’s a Liners positive report from chat:


Exactly. Management did not give them what they needed to provide a quality experience. But unfortunately a lot of guests won’t remember that.


This is where it all starts to feel so much like a money grab. It sounds like very little of the food offerings are actually anything new or special. The JBJB show used to be included in the park. Other things, like the snoap and projections on the ToT have been part of the HS experience for FREE for the past 3 years. (Projections we saw in 2020 and 2022…snoap was there for sure in 2022.)

So, it comes across to me like taking away MORE from what guests could expect by going to HS, and then up-charging for it.

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Yes, I get that feeling. Those are all new things to me either way cuz they last time I did Christmas at DHS I got to see the way better Osbourne Trail of Lights so none of this other stuff existed. I wish they could bring that back somehow cuz it was gorgeous/fun!

*I have generally avoided WDW during the holidays since 2012/2013 NYE cuz it left such a bad taste in my mouth with the HUGE crowds after TP predicted significantly smaller ones than I got (I got 10s). What sticks in my brain the most from that trip was the numerous times I was hurt in the achilles by strollers/wheelchairs (the wheelchair was much worse…hurt so bad I could barely walk and left bruises). So it’s taken me a decade to forget this and come back during Christmas. LOL


What is interesting to me is to read comments from the the brainchild of this event. Clearly, he hit it out of the park because so many fans could “see” his vision too.

But it feels like they stopped a bit short on some of the atmospherics, and basic logistics (like multiple characters to rotate into meet and greets).

The more I reflect on it, the more I also think they should have offered some kind of food or bev for free. Every other paid evening event does - candy, hot chocolate and cookies, popcorn and soda.


At first, I thought the dino cookie had to be free. Seemed very Disney to give out cookies. So, I was shocked when I saw they were charging $4.95 for a sugar cookie!!! Even more shocking…that people waited in line to pay $4.95 for a sugar cookie! :grin:


Wait, wait, there is a Prep & Landing show??? I have a “Pepper Landing” obsessed 5 year old!


Just the movies AFAIK



But is the Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! show based on Prep & Landing? I just assumed it was generic Christmas.

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Oh yes, totally!

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Aww man I wish they had this last year! We live for Prep & Landing and I was just wondering when we would break it out this year. I’m enjoying Elemental on repeat…


I love P&L too! That’s why I’m going to make time for this show at the end. I’m very excited… I want to watch the Sunset Seasons Greetings too. At least that one runs on a loop!


Note to self: check out Prep and Landing. We have a billion Christmas movies to watch…but can always make it a billion and one!


I bought my tickets to Jollywood and MVMCP the minute they were available and have been looking forward to my first Christmas trip to DW since June. It looks like MVMCP will be awesome but Jollywood needs some help. Hopefully Disney acts quickly to make positive changes based on so many terrible reviews. It’s the most expensive after hours offering so it should be amazing. Hopefully by December, it will be. Sounds like more staff to shorten lines would go a long way.


I wish they would open the gates to people only coming for the party one hour earlier. I think that might elevate the “rush” of everyone arriving around the same time and overwhelming the places right at the start. I could be wrong, but I don’t think it would hurt to try it!


I was thinking about this - in addition to some kind of free food item, an extra hour in the park would go a long way.