Its the judgment that worries me

I also live in MA so I definitely understand why you are concerned about being judged. However it would be terrible if that made you cancel. I think it’s totally fine to go and not tell anyone. I also think that if people who do go out started discussing it en mass, then the judgmental environment might change. Also, most people don’t understand just how safe Disney is making it. I imagine your risk for this trip would be just as minimal as that of being in a car (and no one judges people who choose to drive despite the risk of car accidents!).

This is exactly my point. YOU would feel. You make choices based on how YOU would feel. Not how others would feel about your choices. Flip it around - would you go just because others think you should go, even if you don’t feel okay to go?

I’m super sorry your trip has been cancelled. I hope you get to reschedule soon.


Agreed!! I’m so surprised by how often I have to decline a handshake and remind people to do an elbow bump. I work in the dental field and you would not BELIEVE how often people just stick their hands in their mouths… “it hurts here”. Ugh.

Amen to this. Seriously yuck.


I must have missed the post where you said you are going forward with your plans! I am very excited for you and can’t wait to see your trip report!


See now that’s even more silly to me. Not safe to be in a giant wide open national park where there is plenty of physical distance??

Your neighbors seem like they are just looking for someone to look down on.

Go and have fun!




All of this. Someone commented on my FB business page that they can’t believe Disney is opening in light of the numbers in FL I took that opportunity to discuss all of the things Disney has in place to increase safety. I acknowledged that no space is 100% safe right now, but I noted that based on what I’ve seen WDW is safer than my own grocery store or even my own workplace right now (given distancing)

This is the only thing giving me pause. Can we roll back into town on Wednesday and then send my daughter back into school on Thursday (her “in school” days). I don’t think I would do this. Currently that is supposed to be parent teacher conference days but who knows if that schedule will stick. If they are out those two days, am I okay to send her in a week later? If we are careful, is our trip worse than the child care options people will be forced into on the 3 days of no in-person school? Will school even launch with an in-person component? It is all very complicated.


This is what I was wondering for you. Will you (or anyone from anywhere) even be allowed in? October is a loooong way away in the current world. Which could work for or against you. Completely unknown.


Commenting here because I agree with you on this - from my post this morning- I was looking for validation on why I shouldn’t go and I actually received a lot of feedback saying I should go and why. But in my gut, it still felt a little off and so I’m not going. Right now. I’ll be back at WDW - when it does feel right to me.


:nauseated_face: Would’ve grossed me out to no end before C19.


Exactly, that’s all that matters. I don’t want to go if there is stress and concern involved in the timing and circumstances of my going. It may be totally fine for others right now, and that’s ok. WDW isn’t going anywhere, and we can all make our own decision about when it’s the right time.


Not me.
Six kids and thousands of birthday parties later (our own and as guests and even my large family growing up) and we are all alive and kicking.

I’m not saying that makes you’re wrong. Just that I’d need more personal evidence to pass up cake.


Unfortunately, having just visited Yellowstone, it is not the case that there is plenty of physical distance in many parts of the park. :frowning: So many of the features are only visible from wooden boardwalks to keep folks from trampling the delicate ground. No possible way to avoid being within 6 feet of others. Also, even hikes on popular trails will be somewhat crowded. (We just got back from a grand tour of Crater Lake, Grant Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier.)

However, I would not let that deter anyone from going. You are outside. The wind is blowing something fierce (often). And it’s amazing!!! :star_struck: In September, when the original poster said they were going, crowds should be better. Just be prepared!


@qwerty6, I just have to say that I think you and I are kindred spirits. In so many things. :hugs:


I agree. LOL


I agree that vacation isn’t necessary right now, but I don’t participate in any shaming of those that do. However, when my own daughter told me that her family needed a change of scene and were going to a hot spot I flipped out. I told her you don’t ‘need’ a change of scenery you ‘want’ one. A friend told me about their family vacation and I said nothing… I had to reflect: with my family I was worried about losing a child, grandchild etc. I flipped out about my daughter’s choice in selfish concern and love for her. Doesn’t mean I don’t care about my friends but more about my own family’s safety.

Ultimately it’s your choice and you’ll deal w/ whatever fallout comes of it. I think WDW is doing a fantastic job. I would feel safer there than at the grocery store.



Could one select activities and sites that would allow distancing?

I think a trip to Disney is essential for my mental health :crazy_face: I work to travel - and not being able to go anywhere is messing with my mental health. I’m more short tempered - because it just feels like I haven’t had a break, an escape.


I hear the ‘mental health’ concerns. I’m annoyed that my work from home work space has been disrupted and invaded by DH. I enjoy quiet and solitude… DH is NOT quiet :crazy_face: