In current period of no FP, is WDW worth it?

I would be really interested to see a simple “Do you want FPP to come back?” Yes/No and anonymous, with comments turned off. No drama; no justifying; no yes, but; just the data.


I don’t normally wake up before 8-8:30 ON A WORK DAY and now I gotta be on a bus by 6:30 to hopefully have a couple short waits that would probably be longer than I would have waited if I had a fpp. Ugh.


That seems to be The Plan…
“Rope Drop the Best, FP the Rest”

Rumour has it that people write Unofficial-type books recommending it.


If FP+ was suspended because park reservations and attendance caps were in place, doesn’t that assume FP+ will be reinstated when those things are no longer in place? It seems like they are already increasing attendance limits.

I am kinda hoping so before our trip in February.

Except that they removed the Fastpass signage at many (most?) Of the rides. Not just hid it, but removed it. That suggests in the very least a name change.

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It is thought that this pandemic is the perfect opportunity to make changes to the ride reservation system. This is assuming that the Disney bosses think improvements can be made. And, I believe that there was even a next generation system already in the works before covid.

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Remember this thread? I always remember what the park expert says. :wink:


Unofficial you say? Tell me more!

We got Mickey to sign our UG on our first trip in 1992. We didn’t know autographs were a thing and he was the only character we met so we didn’t have anything else handy :joy:



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Looking at wait times today :frowning: Who is waiting 75 minutes for Na’vi River Journey? I’d be so pissed if I’d never been on that ride and waited in a 75 minute line.


especially since it’s not worth a wait anyways :wink:


After a 75 minute wait, I think I’d be eligible for a Single Rider line for the rest of the trip.


@bebe80 Single rider line at the ski lift was used to fill each chair to the max capacity


I loved that. I don’t know why more people don’t split and go up Single Rider. I remember passing a ton of people to go Single. Plus, I had so many interesting conversations that way.


A single rider liner ultimately benefits everyone because it ensures the ride is operating at maximum capacity. This helps ensure more people get to ride, and reduces wait times.

On the other hand, if everyone did single rider, then the advantage to single rider guests diminishes.

But generally speaking, single rider lines do more to reduce wait times than any other thing. It is a win win all around.