I’m giving up sugar

It’s hard to break the sugar habit, but it can be done. @sanstitre_has_left_the_building You’ve got this!

I grew up in the south. I drank sweet tea like it was water. Never understood how people from other parts of the nation would say it’s too sweet. Slowly over time, I mixed sweet and unsweet tea until now I only drink unsweet tea. If I mistakenly get a sweet tea, it’s a real shock to the system and my teeth feel fuzzy.

I also love sweets, but cut out all sweets for a short time to break the habit. When I would have sweets, I tried to limit myself to a small square of dark chocolate or 3 bites of a dessert. That would help me get a fix without going overboard.

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Hey, so how was day 1??
I really hope you’re not curled up and rocking back and forth in a corner somewhere begging Calvin to bring you a Yorkie!! :astonished::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


Is a Yorkie a peppermint chocolate covered Pattie in the UK too? and it’s a dog… so a clever pun? :laughing::nerd_face:


Oh thank goodness! I thought she was telling him to eat a dog. :rofl:


Worse yet, making Calvin an accomplice to the dognapping!


I spent much of it bitter and angry, ranting and yelling at strangers in the street.

So no behavioural changes so far.

I weighed myself this morning. I’m going to do it once a week on what we’re calling Weigh-In Wednesdays.

I had a large lunch, which did feature some cranberry sauce, but my rule, you may remember, was no Cadbury chocolate. I typically ate 500-1,000 calories a day of Cadbury chocolate.

I had a Chinese take-out for dinner (my policy for the last year is that I’m allowed take-out on Wednesdays and Saturdays). It did feel odd not to have a dessert.

So much so that I did crack open some dark chocolate that I have one bar of, and I ate three squares. This was partly a way to encourage me to drink water. Eating chocolate makes me thirsty.

Part of the strategy today was to feel full and satisfied. I remember nearly twenty years ago trying to give up chocolate and feeling miserably hungry all the time.

I have not broken my principal rule: I have eaten no Cadbury chocolate. I’ve had sugar via a yoghurt (did I have two?), cranberry sauce, and three squares of dark chocolate. And whatever is built-in to the main meals I had. I’m counting this as a win because I didn’t have 500-1,000 calories of Cadbury chocolate. Which is the principal goal at this stage.


Good job! That is great progress for your first day.


Incidentally, my motivations are these.

My line that I never wish to cross is my weight limiting the extent to which I can walk as much as I like as fast as I want to. In other words, I want to continue enjoying walks with Calvin, and to be able to survive a full day in a Disney park.

I’m nowhere near that line. But my experience and belief is that weight is a ratchet. So it may only be a matter of time. Unless I effect permanent change. And the simplest permanent change is cutting out the 500-1,000 calories of Cadbury chocolate a day.

My next level motivation is clothing. I spent a bunch of money in Liverpool on things that I like and which I think look good and I want them to continue to fit.

And my lowest level motivation is what might broadly be called vanity. I don’t like looking “fat” as I define it. I’ve never been “thin” but I’d rather be less fat than I am now.


Yeah, I could have told you you’d need to look for more subtle behavioral changes given your baseline state. :rofl:


Well, that should make it easy to lose weight if you just eliminate that! Add a little exercise and you’ll be great as long as you don’t replace the chocolate with anything else.

Edit: and thanks for the motivation, I finally did a little exercise and had no fast food today. Hopefully I can keep the trend going!


That’s why I drink Zevia soda; no sugar or sodium.


Best wishes

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No it’s just a bar of chocolate. Not very nice chocolate IMO.


Agreed! Which is why I used it as an example of desperation! :rofl::rofl:


I can relate!

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I have always hoped for a thread on how to lose Disney weight here, so I’m glad to see this post.

I’m not a chocolate addict, thankfully, but I wish I could give up Starbucks sugar drinks, my favorite, white chocolate mocha.

I tried, but in my head I always find a reason why I am entitled to get one.

If I am having a bad day, we’ll I need a treat to help me get through (it it’s really bad, I allow myself to keep the whipped cream)
If I’m happy, oh let’s celebrate, I deserve this.
And now it’s Fall, I mean, it’s not fall without a pumpkin spice latte, right? :expressionless:

There is no way out of this cycle.


I can relate #2. Emphasis on “as I define it”.


This is going to fail massively when you see me again.

Or maybe it won’t.

If you make it the whole time without chocolate I’ll let you wear my tiara for a hot minute.



oh… so like Hersey’s here :wink: (I know I’m going to take heat for that comment but Hersey’s is the worst chocolate ever!)


If @sanstitre_has_left_the_building makes it that long without chocolate you owe him his own tiara and a pandora charm.