Hokey Pokey with MK/Tron and HS

Has anyone been keeping an eye on day-of availability of park reservations?

I want to rope-drop Hollywood Studios on April 23 and hop to Magic Kingdom later for Tron.

The only realistic way to accomplish this is to do the Hokey Pokey* with park reservations: Reserve MK well in advance, book Tron at 7:00am on the day, then immediately switch the park reservation to HS.

Of course, this risks HS being sold out for the day when I want to switch, which would wreck my whole trip plan.

How big of a risk do you think that would be?


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I would not risk it with this particular ride only because the verbiage on the qualifying criteria are distinctly different from previous VQs


I’m planning to do that exact thing April 29 + 30, with the intent to do EP (and hopefully also get the VQ+ILL for CR) and AK, then pop to HS for ROTR and then finally to MK for nighttime Tron. :grimacing:


That sounds slightly less risky than my plan, because you’d be Hokey-Pokeying to a park reservation for Epcot, which is less likely to sell out than HS.


Are you saying they might not honor my Tron VQ if I subsequently changed my park reservation to something other than MK? I kind of doubt it. I think once you get a Tron VQ, it wouldn’t go away.


MK is out of availability for 4/2 and 4/4 my 2 MK days. I just happened to notice. I could check again if you want more information than that.


Thanks. I’m more concerned with other parks being unavailable between 7:00am and early-entry time on the day of.

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HS has no park reservations for 4/4, 4/5 or 4/6 I didn’t check any further.


I see what you’re saying and I don’t disagree.

But their verbiage that you have to have an MK ressie - which is different from all other VQs - would make me nervous to risk it.

I would ask myself: which experience is more important for my group to do/experience on this visit - just in case the other one becomes impossible.

Why would you not keep your MK and ride VQ and then hop to HS later? Is that a detail I missed?


Given that HS park reservations are running low, I wouldn’t risk it. In fact, for my own trip in June, I rearranged it in such a way that I won’t need to Hoke Pokey after I realized I’d need to line up two VQs.

If you try it, let us know how it goes!

P.S. Thanks for the shoutout on the naming of this technique! :joy: I’m kind of loving that it is catching on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Does anyone see Rule Follower Jenni™ (that’s me!) showing up in this conversation?? :laughing:


What’s the different wording? I haven’t followed closely.


I think what I would do, even though it adds cost, is make and keep the MK reservation, start there, and stack rides at HS using G+. It doesn’t really work though if your goal in the original plan was to get a nighttime ride on TRON - unless you hop back to MK after HS. So my idea may be dumb LOL


To date all other VQs you could try for regardless of your park ressie

Obvi the 1pm would suggest you should have an EP ressie, but if it’s still hanging around at 2 you could still get it after hopping.

This sounds like that is not going to be possible.


I wonder if they added the specific park this time because it’s the first time they’ve had 2 rides on VQ at the same time and don’t want someone saying they have a park res and should be able to join both even though they’re at different parks. That’s one long sentence.

Edit: they’ve added it to GOTG as well


Oh interesting. I guess in our focus on TRON to my knowledge nobody has looked at that verbiage specifically since.

Where my mind goes with things like this though is this: Disney is not blind to people working loopholes. People working and abusing loopholes results in a certain level of unfairness to those who do not know of or use the loopholes. Therefor the loopholes get closed and that’s why we can’t have nice things.


I could see in this case maybe they will hold people more strictly to their BG window - that would cut down on a certain amount of the hokey pokey. I’ve seen it discussed where so many will want to ride at night, the queue could get pretty bad.

I’m still on the side of not wanting to risk it, for the reasons Jeff laid out. I did the HP one time on our trip but it was between Ep and AK. I would have a hard time risking a HS res.


I want to rope-drop HS that day.

7:00 AM (Guests do not need to be in the park when they join, but must have a theme park reservation for Magic Kingdom park)

The way I read this is: You need to have a park reservation when you enter the VQ. Doesn’t say you can’t change your reservation after you get in the queue. Same language as for GotG, and we’ve already proven that you can Hokey Pokey for that.

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To answer my own question: I think there’s an 80% chance this would work.

(UNLESS they impose a different return-window restriction on Tron, i.e. they don’t let you enter any time after your window opens, no matter how late, as they do for GotG.)