HHN 33 News, Updates & Planning

In all seriousness, if I lived anywhere within 90 minutes drive time I would audition! My wife’s corporate HQ is in Tampa. I’ve mentioned that I would move down there in a heartbeat if she gets another promotion!

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I see it in your future :woman_genie:

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Wouldn’t be crazy that I’d have to “retire” in order to be able to “work” a job I Iiked?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I know, right?! So crazy.

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Pending last minute changes, expect an IP house announcement in two weeks. I’m thinking it’s either Female Monsters or Ghostbusters. We’ll see.


Wait!!???! This is news to me! Awesome! I go to HHN with my DD22. I’d love for an all women’s monsters house for her!! (I’d think it would be cool too!)

I admit I was surprised Ghostbusters didn’t get announced sooner!

Thanks @josephmatt !!

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Here’s the official full teaser trailer! Thoughts?? I don’t want to start & spoil anything…

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Hmmm… they’re not giving away much, eh?

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They did similar last year with everyone going/leaving the movies… It appears we’re still on the same timeline as last year. If it plays out that way, we’ll get some kind of announcement soon - as previously mentioned by Joe. Then we’ll get tickets / passes available mid-late June…

At least this was better than the last two teasers they put out last week. The were so generic I didn’t even bother to mention them!! :grin:

RIP is the same price, give or take $20 for the first half of September, so I might just do a quick weekend again, especially if passes go up in price like I think they might, after last year’s crowds.

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I have my dates. I’m buying whatever multi-pass gets me those & adding UXP. Too bad we’ll miss each other by 3 - 4 days!!

The flight is a bit cheaper your weekend ($75 vs $95), but RIP costs $10 more so I guess it breaks even.

I’ll bribe you with $10 to come hang with DD & me for at least one house!

I mean, if the hotel isn’t a bunch more then I don’t see a reason not to go that weekend.

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I just made my first dining reservation! :crazy_face: :rofl:

I love going here for breakfast! It’s my favorite breakfast at UOR. DD22 has never had enough time to “sleep-in” and do non-park things before this trip

Sorry Everyone! I’m bored at my desk. I’ll stop derailing the topic!!

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I mean, it’s planning an HHN trip

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Super excited… the OG was my second favorite house that year and it had one of the best queues because they showed old movie clips on a big screen like it was a drive through and it made the time pass faster.

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Nice! I knew the Universal HHN Creative Heads were at Spooky Empire. I wonder if this was “unofficial” and let it slip. Either way I am glad to know at least one house!

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hell yeah, loved the original