Help TouringPlans: New map for Hollywood Studios

I like the bottom one better.

I don’t like either. They should be a better contrast between the text and everything else.

I prefer buildings black. Buildings=solid

Not sure what to add or subtract. Will look closer at home tonight

I find them both difficult to read. I think the black is too dark and would prefer the gray idea already mentioned. It makes sense to me to have the paths lighter colors than the buildings.
I like the current HS map design with the 3 color tones and think that color coding by type (restaurant vs attraction) is more helpful than color coding by lands.


top image

Another vote for a gray or lighter scheme. I found both options difficult/harsh to look at on my phone screen.


Another vote for shades of gray- found the black and white to harsh.

Even though DHS doesn’t have lands, like the color coding. However, color coding by attraction vs restaurant, is probably more beneficial.

Also agree that indicating bathrooms would be extremely helpful.


I prefer the white walkways.

Not a fan of the use of black in either case - maybe gray is better? I like the color coding and words to help orient what I’m looking at.


I prefer the white walkways, but what if the buildings in each “land” or “area” were color coded instead of the empty space surrounding the buildings?

I REALLY like the MDE maps. They are really the best thing about the MDE app. That being said, I think the closer you can match their format, the better. For example, they use green trees/bushes to represent backstage or non-park areas, gray for streets and roads, and off-white for sidewalks. I think you should avoid black altogether. You have a very accurate map, just need to find the right balance of colors. I think the colors and lines in both examples here are too bold.

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I like this idea a LOT. It would be nice to glance at the map and know what is an attraction, restroom, or place to eat immediately. Using the color coding in that way would be super useful. You wouldn’t necessarily have to label each such place, but at least it would be clear where you could go to eat versus ride in the area you are at.

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TOP - font colors easier to read.

I prefer the bottom one. Or at least, dark buildings and lighter walkways.

The top one was easier for me to look at.
I like having the park entrance at the bottom.
I don’t think everything needs labels, since when you make a TP they each get a number on them that corresponds to what they are in your list. The less clutter the better.

I vote map be oriented same as Disney orients their park map.
I prefer white walkways.
How about keeping the color scheme by “land” but making the attractions that color with other buildings/restaurants grey? Much like the colors used to label areas on the MDE maps.
Thank you to @len and crew for always working to improve TP.

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I find the top one easier to read. Maybe add bathrooms?

I prefer the white walkways, but the black buildings are too harsh. If you’re going to go with color, I recommend going with a darker color; in the “green” land I would go with white paths. Light green background, and dark green buildings.

Here’s kind of what I was talking about…


I think this is the winner.

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