Guardians of the Galaxy Coaster opens May 27

I feel like this is giving people too much credit. Should say “for those whose app experience glitches or whose CC Disney doesn’t feel like accepting that day…” I find it hard to believe that such large numbers of people are just balking!


Good for you. After doing this each day of our vacation last week, I’m not sure how anyone participating in this daily morning LL process could enjoy a morning coffee.


You are arguing that the ILL drops are not planned? LL drops are planned but not ILL?

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Given the people we have “practicing” for VQ, there could be people who are seeing how quickly they have to act with the ILL but have no intention of going as well. Maybe not large numbers, but I’d venture to guess some are.

No. Drops are planned. But I also think that they do “releases”, which is not new inventory but previously claimed but never purchased inventory.

So, for example, at 7:00 they drop 100 spots. People snatch all 100, but only 90 end up paying for them. The remaining 10 are then released after some timeout period. So, still only 100 total. I am calling a “drop” when Disney adds more availability.

I was usually looking for late morning/afternoon stacks.

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I wonder if it will still be VQ come September. How long was Remy VQ?

If still VQ, we plan to book multiple days at Epcot, and just stack LL’s at other parks for after 2 pm.

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The theory is that is will only be for 4-6 weeks. Naturally, we go in 7 weeks. I’m not clear on why people think that though.

Same for us at tail end of August into early September. Epcot reservations for all days! :joy:

How long did the VQ last for Rise?

I have no idea where the 4-6 weeks theory came from. If demand keeps up I think it’ll continue.

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Remy was from October- January so it seems like it would be longer.

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Months I think. But it’s unreliable isn’t it, even now, and I think BGs allowed them to manage the numbers with it breaking down all the time. If this is more reliable, I can imagine them not needing them so much. I hope it’s at least 9 weeks so we can do BG and ILL on the same day.

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Yeah, I can see that Rise maybe is t the best comparison. But I would have thought it would last longer than Remy…. Unless they’ve listened to the complaints about not being able to ride stand-by perhaps. Which would be quite something if true.

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FYI we tapped in about 5 1/2 hours after our BG was called. Tap turned blue, CM said “you’re a little late” then sent us through!


I haven’t seen this discussed yet. GOTG has permanent built in taps in the SB line. Rise and Remy just had CM’s with iPhone or iPad devices checking your BG. Could this be a sign that VQ will stick around longer with this ride? What other reason could these be used for?

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You have to tap in for ILLs. It could be that they have just been able to combine the technology in the tapstiles.

They are in the SB queue as well not just LL

There may come a day when they do put the ILLs through one side of that queue so that people don’t miss a lot of the queue.

Bottom line is we don’t know. Given that most everything else has done away with VQs - even WebSlingers didn’t keep one that long - I wouldn’t think it would stay super long.

One other thought is that once the VQ goes away, the ride would remain an option for the Extra Evening Hours and tapstiles at every entry point would make it easier to get people through when they have to check for where you’re staying.

Hey Liners, I need some advice. We will be in Epcot on May 31 and would like to try for a boarding group for GotG. I’ve been practicing over the last couple of days, and here is what I’ve discovered. If I go to the home page a little prior to 7:00 and click “Join Virtual Queue”, I will get moved to a 2nd page to click “Confirm Party” even though it is prior to 7:00. If I click that button, still prior to 7:00, I get moved to a 3rd page that says no one in my party is eligible; however, there is a “Refresh” button at the bottom of the page. The page states-click refresh at 7:00 a.m. to try again. So, where do I want to be at 6:59:59 when I try this for real? Do I wait at that 3rd page and click “Refresh” or do I start from the Home page and click “Join Virtual Queue” or, since it will let me get to the next page prior to 7:00, would it be best to click “Confirm Party” at 6:59:59 and be one click ahead of the pack? Thoughts??

I believe you’re supposed to confirm party before 7.

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