Going to Universal - FOR REAL!

I leave on Monday. That should give all this ice & such time to blow over! I wasn’t going to take a vacation day tomorrow. However, someone at my office from another department came by my desk yesterday. They asked, “We’ve got a big / pain in the butt project that is starting on Friday. Do you think you’d have time to assist?” I replied, “This Friday??? Awww… I’d love too, but I’m out on leave!” Then immediately put in a vacation day request w/ my supervisor!! :rofl:

I’m not getting dragged into any crazy project the last day before I leave!!


I like the way you roll! :rofl:


Well played :clap:


Yay!! Enjoy your trip!!

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Just saw a couple postings on Mardi Gras 2022… Instead of the tasting lanyard, that was used in 2021, that gave you 10 or 15 “offerings” you now get a discounted gift card that can be used anywhere in the parks.

You can get a $150 card for $120. My food budget for the week is $300. I’ll be getting two cards & saving $60!!

FYI - The other offer is a $75 card for $65