FOTK Tier 1 suggestions needed!

I sure hope they keep it around into the fall. fingers crossed


I know this is an old post, but if you are still interested, I just booked a package in December, so it looks like it’s extended through 2019!


yea. thanks I saw that too. appreciate it

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I had booked the Tiffins Rivers of Light package, but just changed it to FOTLK package. I know a lot of peeps say ROL is just kinda MEH, but I have never seen it and I want to. Do you think a FPP is necessary for ROL on a CL 5 day?

I haven’t been to ROL, but this review compares the two packages and might be interesting for you!

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We booked it for October and are completely excited about it!

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If you did the 3:00 show, do you know approximately when you were off the safari ride?

I did the 3:00 show and we were finished with the Safari experience a little after 4:30.

Okay thanks! - so we should be able to make a 4:00-5:00 FP at FOP?

It depends on your Tiffins meal but it should be fine. I had a 2:20 FoP that I booked before the package that I had to cancel.

Thanks - our tiffin meal is at 12:00 with the show time at 3:00.

We were in front of the lions (towards the end of the safari) at 4:26 and playing with the merry menagerie in the entrance (directly in front of the tree of life) at 4:53, based on photos.

Our guide did say something before we got on about how it took less time than usual for them to commandeer a safari Jeep - sometimes it takes them a few additional minutes I guess! But, with the 15 minute grace period, you should be ok for FOP.

ETA: the FOLK package was a huge highlight of our trip. Hope you enjoy as much as we did!

Awesome info! Thanks

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Is the safari for the Tier 1 the same as say KS? Also how rough is it? Thanks.

It’s the same route/vehicle, but they reserve a truck for the package (lots of room to spread) and the guide talks more about backstage stuff. You can also ask questions, although no one in our group did. For us the package (Nov 2019) was a great experience, very much worth it.

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I have been checking several times a day for our trip for a month now. We leave tomorrow. So sad to miss this

++ @PrincipalTinker … best part of our last trip


Exercise caution when you purchase … Not all CMs realize that this is a 3 part reservation and may not understand all the options


Sold out still. Insert Sadness emoji.

It is funny-I booked the end of April again when it opened. There were only times available at Tiffins early (11:30, noon) and late (6:30 or later).