@Fatty_McButterpants UNMASKED!


Daaaaaayuuuummmmm! Voted! Heeeey!

Amazing! Just voted! And I am also a fellow Illinoisian!

Way to go! I just voted.

Voted and great job!

Amazing transformation @Fatty_McButterpants! Voted!

Just voted. Awesome job. You’ve inspired me to begin work on my own transformation.

I, too just voted. Your transformations is fabulous. Weight training is the best for your body. My DH had a quadruple bypass 2 years ago (aage 47) and he was just doing cardio when he started his journey. When he added weights, he had so much more endurance. The combo with eating correctly and cardio does just make you feel amazing. You ARE an inspiration!

That’s an amazing transformation! Good job Fatty!

I posted this over on the chatty chat too, but as an FYI here, for those voting:

If you use Gmail, here’s a trick: You can add a +ANYTHINGYOUWANT to your username to make unique addresses, and it still goes to you. E.g. If your email is john@gmail.com then john+vote@gmail.com, john+vote2@gmail.com… all still come to you.

However, not sure how a voting system might validate or invalidate such use. But, also useful for using unique email addresses on various sites without having to manage many multiple email accounts.

Thanks @shanneepantslovesdisney for the kind words. The likelihood of having heart health issues at a young age was definitely a scary motivating factor. I’m glad your husband is doing well now!

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Thank you!!! He is doing fabulous!

Holy Shit (yeah, I used that word), that is fuqqing (I didn’t use that word) amazing - and inspirational. Of course it would take me a year of steamed broccoli to get to your “before” picture, but WAY TO GO!

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Voted. Fatty for president!!! WOW great job.

Way to go Fatty! I voted and will vote daily. Congratulations on your fabulous transformation!


Thanks @Camsdad! I appreciate it :poultry_leg:

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No problem!!! I just tried again and have to wait 10 more minutes.

I second this, comedians create characters for their comedy all the time, even though “Fatty” is not you, you can still be “Fatty” The jokes are great, and skinny fitness jokes just don’t work with WDW!
And just a few more hours til I can vote today! I also hope you win!

Awesome - just awesome. Congratulations!