@Fatty_McButterpants UNMASKED!

Very impressive!!! In a Prince kinda way you are now the man formerly known as FATTY!!!


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Hmm, I suppose if I manage to win the vote, we can have a Fatty Retirement Ceremony followed by a Liner Renaming? … That will be really sad though; kinda like when you realize you just ate the last cookie in a sleeve of Oreos.


Wow. Congratulations. Very inspiring. Awesome job! Thanks for letting us in on your accomplishment. Voted and will again. The liner formerly known as @Fatty_McButterpants for the win!

BRAVO, @Fatty_McButterpants!!

Well done @Fatty_McButterpants! What a great thing you’ve done for yourself.

Wow!!! You have my vote amigo ex-fatty!!!

Well done! I won’t be at WDW to receive a dole whip, but you have my vote!

Great job! I voted for you! Keep up the good work. I agree with you on the early morning workouts. I get up at 4:30 am for crossfit and it really gives me a great outlook for the rest of the day and energy to spend with my kiddos.

Awesome!! I will not be able to meet you for that Dole Whip, but happy to give you the vote!!

That’s really awesome. Way to go! As someone in the middle of my own transformation (hopefully) efforts - i know it can be challenging to stick with it. But you did and have great results to show for it. Congrats!

Voted! Congrats and Shazam!

Voted!!! What an amazing transformation!!! Hope you win @Fatty_McButterpants
AND we live near each other…Our family lives in Darien, IL

Not what I was peeking at…hubbahubba…

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holy man! you did that in 90 days?! that’s awesome and totally inspirational! Good for u! just voted!

Way to go!!! As a fellow Illinoisan AND someone who will be at WDW the first week in February (hint, hint, nudge, nudge), I cast my vote for you. (And ask for your secrets…) :wink:

I voted for you and will do so again and again! So impressed, shocked, amazed, happy, and proud!!! :smile:

AAHHHHH!!! Joe Rohde’s earring gives me nightmares. I’m convinced it’s actually a highly intelligent alien life form that has latched onto his body and is controlling him like a zombie puppet.


Well, hello there neighbor! We live close indeed; the McDonald’s on Plainfield & 75th is my McRib joint (when they’re in season, of course)

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Way to go Fatty-not! I am so proud of you! I haven’t been on in forever, but so glad I saw this tonight!! Good job! But, I hope you keep your name, that’s how we know you! It’s your sense of humor, not your size. I hope you win!
Carol in MEMPHIS.
