Fantastic Rides And Where To Find Them (Trip Report 05-19Jul24)

Lots to report this morning, but just popping in to say that Villain Con is so much fun.
I don’t know why you all think it’s rubbish.

Got mine and DHs blaster to connect, but didn’t think fast enough to use my phone to do the kids (their phones gave an error for not having NFC).
I feel stupid for not thinking of this at the time because mine connected really quickly.
I would have had loads of time to connect theirs but I didn’t think of it :woman_facepalming:t4:

Next time hopefully I’ll connect them… :crossed_fingers:t3:


I’m happy you like it!

IME - They fill in every single “spot” so there are too many people playing at once. I can barely see my own reticle and I’m fighting over the same targets. For me, the blaster weights a ton and my arm & shoulders have actually gotten injured playing where I hurt for two days. It really needs a “rapid fire” mode so you don’t have to kill you arm constantly using the trigger.

Finally, even though I know how to use the app it has only worked twice out of six rides.

I prefer MIB and even TSMM. (My arm gets tired on TSMM, but not as bad since the gun is lighter in weight)


:laughing: love it

Glad your blasters synced easy!


Fabulous time in the parks today.
The wait times are so low!!

After our disastrous Hagrid RD, we blitzed through VC twice and then walked to the studios where we went on The Mummy for the first time.
Everyone loved it, so we went on it twice.

We did Jimmy Fallon and Transformers with practically no wait.

After Villain Con (which is awesome, by the way - don’t listen to the ‘experts’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), we went for Central Park Crepes and Today Cafe for lunches.

After that we did a lot of slow meandering which was great. Spent lots of time just soaking in being here and looking at things in the parks and some shops.

Got some drinks in Diagon Alley.

Then some Florean Fortescue’s.

This was a mistake. I was too full from the crepes and drink and shouldn’t have had the ice cream. It was tasty though. Salted Caramel Blondie in the bottom and Earl Grey and Lavender on the top.

We took the Hogwarts Express to Hogsmeade. This was practically a walk on, which I think is astonishing in that direction!!

We took a Forbidden Journey and then meandered slowly back through the park and back to Cabana Bay.


That sounds really good! :drooling_face:


I think Alan of Mammoth Club had the same combo in the YouTube I watched yesterday


You are having such low waits. Are u in the cancellation window?


Not sure, we booked through Travel Republic.

Interesting point though :thinking::thinking:


What the hell kind of crepe is that? :thinking:

This doesn’t look like butterbeer. :thinking:

(Don’t mind me judging your concession choices. :rofl:)


Chopped Tripleta :yum::yum:

It’s the Tongue Tying Lemon Squash :lemon::lemon:


Potato sticks on a crepe?

See this foolishness is why I don’t go to Universal. :blowfish:


Great photos, sounds like a fab day!


It’s usually 5 days before for free cancellation however you book.


I’ll take both the sweet ones please.


Yea!! I’m so happy for you!

I like Fast & Furious Super Charged…so what do I know! I’m genuinely happy you enjoy it. I’d rather be wrong that something brings you joy than overhype something that you thought was lame!

How was the new savory crepe?? I’m not sure if I would like it and sad the ones I did like are now gone :sob::sob:


Chopped Tripleta – $12.99
Roasted pork, smoked ham, grilled beef, lettuce, tomato, Swiss cheese, potato sticks, mayo ketchup

I’m unsure if I’d like the ketchup on those meats… if @Shmebulock says it’s good then I’ll try it!

This is my ideal day! As much as I adore all the attractions, just being in that environment is my heaven! I’m so jealous!!

Been there! No regrets though!That’s a sugn that you are having fun!! Oh! Mummy was my absolute favorite ride before Hagrid’s!


I was skeptical at first too :laughing:
But the nice crunch throughout was actually really pleasant.


That’s a good point :laughing::+1:t3:


I really enjoyed it.

I’ve only had the brisket crepe before and I really liked that one too.
I wish they would bring it back.


I’m outside getting my steps in to be ready to walk all day soon!! Sorry for the typos!

I can’t walk & type well at the same time. :rofl::rofl:

DD22 stopped by yesterday. We went over our trip & talked about our “must do” items. I’ll put crepes back on the list!

I miss the lemon blueberry crepe!! The best one ever!


I always add potato chips to my sandwiches :speak_no_evil:
