Family angry! Anyone else? Coronavirus is stressful

We won’t be on a plane this year but I know I wouldn’t wipe it down. We are going on a cruise - if it doesn’t get cancelled, which hopefully it won’t since it’s not till July. I doubt I’ll take any extra precautions.


I have never been one to wipe things down but if you have instagram take a look at @passengershaming a form flight attendant runs it and if I do ever fly again, I will wipe stuff down because people are gross.

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I appreciate this perspective. I have been trying to c o.j me up with a susinct statement for why this IS different from the flu while not feeding into panic. This does that well.

I am supposed to travel to two conferences if they are not cancelled, end or March and beginning of April. I have no problem with this, but I will self quarantine from my DMIL as she is in the vulnerable population category.


My parents are down in Orlando for a conference at Gaylord. They got all kinds of info from the conference about precautions: requests to not come if you traveled in Asia recently. Assurance that hand sani will be plentiful. A conference request to not shake hands when networking, and assurance that conferences in prior weeks have been domestic conferences.

My parents made the choice to go. The virus has made it to neighboring areas where they are. They told my grandmother that they will only visit her in an emergency during the 2 weeks after they return.

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It’s in our state also. we were going to visit my parents instead of them joining us in WDW but decided not worth the risk to visit them. They will be home 2 weeks after we return from Disney so we will have the 2 week buffer before we see them.

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The big question here is what’s with all the quarrantee. First off I am as concerned as all of you as I have a upcoming trip to WDW in 36 days. That said the truth of the matter is that you are not going to be able to protect anyone from getting it. You may not go near your relatives for 14 days but if they go out in public at all there is a chance they may get right next to someone who is infected and doesn’t even know it. Also this virus is no more destructive then other flu viruses for most people. Some like me are at higher risk because of other medical problems and I am older. I will NOT hide in a corner of my home and shun relative and people in general. I am not stupid though as I will take what precautions I can to keep from getting it by washing hand and I even bought a N95 mask to wear on the airplane only. We got two for $35 with is price gouging big time but if they help at all it is worth the $35 I guess. Remember no one dies in Disney Parks as it is the most Magical Place on Earth. My thoughts

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Don’t worry. Delta’s got you covered.

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I am a big Delta fan but I am not to sure if every flight will be treated this way. Been reading some disturbing things about many absence of cleaning. Employees are only willing to do so much. I wish it were not the case but it is so bring your own cleaning supplies to be safe.

I moved to the comfort seats at the front for our flight. probably wont help but I want clean seats and off that plane as soon as possible

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This was done in 2018 - well before coronavirus. FF to the end where they analyze what was found. Very Gross!! I’m a wipe-down convert.

Any process is only as good as the people doing the work. I could see where an aircraft with a tight turnaround might not get the most thorough application. There’s certainly no harm in taking a few extra steps yourself.

Don’t even want to know how e coli got on the headrests.

Disgusting :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Can’t you see you wiping down the back rest and the tray and handing the wipe to the attendant as she comes around. She stops and looks and says, Sorry! I am not touching that thing. :cold_face::nauseated_face:


I would bet that at this point, they may work with you to reschedule for a later date.

You mean all the things I’ve been during for years (def in airplanes) and getting side eye from ppl? :grinning:

except the face touching. I have tried before all this b/c it’s bad for your skin. I have and continue to fail miserably.


lemme tell you, there are plenty of actual ob/gyns that are not too great at their actual specialty either. Bad experiences talking here.

I think that is very true. A work buddy and his wife, for example, were really sick at the start of the year. Not hospital sick, but this-stinks sick. He said he never had a harder time breathing. They got the flu test and it was negative. The kids didn’t get sick. Now he wonders if they’d had the Whu Flu. His wife is a pediatric nurse, so they are likely to get everything early.

I saw a video montage of people touching their face DURING a speech they were giving about precautions to take which includes not touching your face.


The next time you’re in a hospital, try to count how many times you see a healthcare worker touch his/her face with gloved hands. You’ll need something to write on to keep up.

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