F&G and Coronado Springs! A Live (ish) Solo Trip Report

An iced coffee and a soft carrot cake cookie sandwich as big as my face on a cushioned bench in an air-conditioned, Star Wars-themed, mask-free “relaxation station.”

This is the way.


I love that cookie!!

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Oh where is that relaxation station?

The Launch Bay!

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We interrupt this trip report for a shameless plug and unapologetic bragging…

Guys, I hope you’ll forgive me for totally bragging on my brilliant, talented, amazing little sister for just a minute, but she had her FIRST BOOK published in January and I just found this amazing review of it on Amazon and I’m jumping up and down in the TSMM queue in my excitement for her!

The book is called “Deeper Heaven: A Reader’s Guide to C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy” if you care to look it up.

Okay, back to Disney…




Sad story… As I got off the bus at Hollywood Studios after a break at my hotel I had this sudden feeling that I’d forgotten something and I realized it was my umbrella… And then I realized that the umbrella was in a bag along with my ankle wraps and a Cool Thing that I purchased today… And THEN I realized that I had no memory of taking it with me into my room when I got back to CSR to rest but I know I had it with me at the bus stop at Hollywood Studios. :expressionless:

Sooo, I got right back on the bus and came back to my room and it’s not there. Which means I left it somewhere and I don’t know where. :woman_facepalming:

So I talked to guest services and they’re going to try to hunt it down and I left a message with Lost and Found at Hollywood Studios in case somebody turned it in there but in the meantime I have no umbrella and I have no ankle wraps and I have no Cool Thing that I bought and I spent almost 2 hours in the back-and-forth between HS and CSR.

The upside to all this is that I was welcomed back to HS (again! :joy:) by this view:


Oh! How frustrating!


Congrats to your little sis! I love Lewis’ space trilogy. Glad to know about at her book.


So sorry you have lost a bunch of things. Hope you get it back. I left my iPhone in MFSR and got it back. :pray:t3:


Last week at HS I saw a Disney ball cap sitting on top of a trash can. I assume it was placed there by someone that found it lost… I don’t know if the rightful owner came back to get it but I thought it was a nice gesture :wink:


Thank you!

That’s encouraging! :sweat_smile:


I left my iPhone in a bathroom stall and got it back. And I left a bag of souvenirs somewhere and got them back. And a baseball cap on RNR and got it back. In all cases same day, too.

Oh and, irrelevantly, I left an iPod on a bus in my hometown and got that back. Not all people are dishonest.


Sorry. Lovely picture though.

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Really happy that you got stuff back!

Stealing packages from the doorsteps, stealing mail and catalytic converters, and breaking into cars are reported daily in my neighborhood. And I live in a pretty good neighborhood. At home, we are super careful. We used to hide stuff under the seats that we were too lazy to bring in. Then, the thieves started to break into cars that had nothing visible and go through the whole car looking for stuff to steal. After that, nothing was left in the cars parked in our driveway overnight.

Getting my iPhone back at HS restored my faith in humanity while I was at WDW. The rude reality of a small portion of humanity in my neighborhood met us the day after we returned from WDW. Our neighbor bought our mail over and said he had a package stolen from his doorstep the day before.


Dinnertime! :yum: :laughing:


Ugh, the worst. I just filled out a lost item form at UO from last Sunday and got a message within 4 hours that they had my item, and wdw uses the same system as uo, so maybe try that?


Guest Services at CSR took down all my info, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to fill out a form too! Thanks for the suggestion… I’ll do that on my way out of HS!


Oh I hope it turns up!!


Okay peeps, I need you to tell me where to get my Mickey waffle fix tomorrow! I’m planning a sleep-in and a late start, probably not going to head to the parks until mid-afternoon. Where’s the best place to get a Mickey waffle outside the parks for breakfast/brunch? Bonus points if it’s relatively easy to get to from CSR using Disney transportation!