Extended Evening Theme Park Hours?

Is this true? Anyone can stay for extended evening hours they just can’t ride anything w/o scanning in their proof of a deluxe stay?


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I would imagine so. There’s no wristband like with the parties so no obvious way to say who does have the right to be there until they scan in at a ride.


Yes it is. Last week I remember hearing cast members yelling out to people waiting in line to get their bands scanned that the park is only opened to deluxe guests. Clearly they knew non deluxe guest were still in the park. Nobody is checked unless they are trying to ride.

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So, can I MO or go in a shop? I know you can’t shop w/o a ticket for a party night.

There was a report that the restaurants were only allowing orders (at least mobile orders) from deluxe guests. I don’t know if it was true.


Good to know. Thanks

There were very few customers at the restaurants last night. I can’t imagine that they would care.

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well… if it gets out that anyone can be in the parks w/o a deluxe reservation I’m sure the attitudes will change :crazy_face:

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oh wait… TP put this on Twitter… it’s out… let’s see how the numbers change :wink:

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This is good to know for my trip … I guess I will have my excuse to “Slow Down” after all!


Whaaat?!? you can take a picture and not worry about the blurrrrr as you run by :wink: Good luck, slowing down is harder than you think (it takes commitment and practice). The pebble in your shoe might be the better strategy for slowing down :laughing:

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The TP tweet just states you can stay and take pictures?


yep… but you know ppl are going to try MO… dole whip… or shop too :wink:

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Yep. You couldn’t get IN then, but you could certainly get in just before the park closes to all other guests and then wander without doing anything.


Which, quite honestly, is really very very stupid of them, sorry to say

It’s stuff like this that ruins it for the rest of us


I do this a lot already… but I don’t consider watching performers or soaking it in as doing ‘nothing’ :wink:

Well… they aren’t letting them on rides so wait times would still be low. But I do agree w/ you in principle. And since they are limiting the AM early entry and only allowing two evenings a week for deluxe I’d say that Disney is ruining a lot of the experience for resort guests themselves.


I don’t think there are that many people who go to WDW just to look around. They’ll be tired and can’t go on rides, so they will go back to their hotels.


so just like every other guest trying to figure out LLs then?