Event review D18

I caught that one right away…


Ah. Good. Not too Sleepy, then, I see!


I’m surprised @profmatt didn’t spot that, he must still be Sleepy.

I’m sure that’s it.

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We enjoyed it, but it was a one and done for us. We went on day 7 of our trip (open to close each day), so by the time the party time came around, we were “ride-ed” out. I had no interest on hopping on 7DMT for a 4th time. So we went to “meet” Jack Skellington and Sally, then posted up in the Hub and waited for the rest of the evening. Wound up seeing a couple of the shows twice because of the times - they were all good and the parade was phenomenal. But probably not something we’re dying to do again, though I do have moderate interest in the Halloween party.

And your pictures are fantastic.

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On the contrary. All this talk of dwarves was making me feel Horny and I had to step away for a while.

Oh. Wait. Wrong forum. Forget I said that.


There was a discussion on BoM (you may know this) about whether and how one could do exactly that. It seems highly likely that you could, but you couldn’t get anything to eat or drink in all that time so you’d have to be prepared in that regard. CMs never escort a person out, but direct them to the front. So you could just avoid them or ignore them more or less.

Sounds like you had a great night :slight_smile:

Your photos are fantastic. My favorite is of the Toy Soldiers in the parade :slight_smile: And the castle reflecting in the water.



:rofl::rofl::rofl: Now THAT is my kind of forum!

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You have a typo there. I think instead of capital H, you meant to type “th”. Probably was auto-correct.

Quite right. This is not a forum for horticulture.


Horny dwarves?

I know that’s not the correct term, but if you’re looking for horny people of that stature, might I direct you to Game of Thrones?


Admittedly, no. But I try not to discriminate if a man is good-looking enough. Oddly enough, I have never seen Game of Thrones.

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Me either, really. But I have seen some things when DH watches. My goodness!


GoT is awesome. I got into it too late and already knew some major spoilers.


Hmmm…maybe I should be checking this show out… :wink:

I should warn you: there is a certain amount of nudity and violence. Blink and you’d miss it, but it’s there.

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I have heard amazing things about the show. And now I’m even more intrigued. :smile:


I’m not sure what the hang up is with nudity. I mean, underneath my clothes, I’m ALWAYS naked!

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What a coincidence; me too!


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