Epic Universe News & Construction Updates

Read the official rules as well to see when the trip had to be taken, but also noticed the distinction between the entry to Epic Universe and a 3 park, 3 day park-to-park ticket to the three Universal parks that are currently open.

So question for @len :Since the drawing isn’t until July, 2025, could this be an indication that, at least initially, EU will require a separate ticket for entry and will not be included in a multi-park, multi-day ticket?


Most likely! UOR has already released a ticket model to vendors that excludes Epic from any ticket packages / Annual Passes.

The speculation is that you will have to buy single day / separate tickets for Epic - even AP holders - during the opening months of the new park.


You’re reading that wrong, the picking isn’t part of the opening just that you win then. They set this up three months ago so I don’t think anything is planned with an opening date in mind.


I think if I won the sweepstakes, I’d happily buy at least another one more day to Epic for my family. I doubt that they’d have a problem with the winners paying for upgrades.

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I’m sure that’s the more likely explanation! I just want it to hurry up and get done!! :rofl: :rofl:

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I do think there’ll be separate admission required to EU, as said above. And it’ll be a priority-based system using spending as the metric, along the lines of:

  • On-site guests at Signature hotels with multi-day stays and multi-day park tickets
  • On-site guests at Prime Value hotels with multi-day stays and multi-day park tickets
  • On-site guests at Inns & Suites with multi-day stays and multi-day park tickets
  • :
  • Annual passholders
  • :
  • Those shunned by polite society, personae non gratae, etc.
  • :
  • People who want to visit EU for the day just to look around

What I’m not sure about is how they’ll rank length-of-stay and length-of-ticket. Does a 3-night stay with a 2-day ticket get priority over a 2-night stay and 3-day ticket?

At some point they’ll have to keep the rules simple enough to be understandable and implement.


As an AP holder from out-of-state it kinda sucks knowing that I even though I stay on-site I’d have to buy dated tickets to get “priority”… :sob:

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I feel like I assumed that there would be some required ratio to the multi-day tickets, like 1 Epic for every 2-3 days of “other parks.” No clue what they might do about APs though.

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In a way isn’t that just the old school WDW phased closing system?


WDW doesn’t always follow this wise guidance :slight_smile: