English breakfast

I can’t even… I think I need to back away from this thread while I still have my sanity.

That’s just in that photo. Eventually it’ll absorb and become like bread. With tomato soup, it’s great… with everything else? ehhhhh

oh please. you gave that up when you started calling everything “pudding”. That’d be like us calling every dessert “ice cream.”


That uh…that doesn’t look like potato salad. That looks like mashed potatoes.

But yes. Still weird.


Should we even mention oyster crackers? Whose only purpose in life is to be put in clam chowder?


with tomato soup, you should really have a grilled cheese sandwich for dipping.


It was just the first picture i found. Not good potato salad, but that’s what it is. It’s a Louisiana thing (and only certain parts i think)

Um no. The error was yours in calling one specific thing pudding.

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Damn Skippy!

That’s it! You, you are dead to me!

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Not all heroes wear capes


Or like people in some southern states calling every carbonated drink Coke


Tea is what common people call dinner.

Traditionally, dinner is eaten at a table. Supper is a more casual thing.

I have breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tea is specifically sandwiches and cakes with a pot of tea and served mid-afternoon.

Tea is Northern dinner. You should know that, being a Yorkshireman.

Can the sandwiches have crusts, or should they all be removed?

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Yeah, common Northerners.

I’m not snobby about that kind of thing.

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I have already said that I call it dinner but I don’t really care either way.

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I didn’t say you’re common.

Of course, you’re not a Northerner, either. Manchester is in the Midlands.


I hate to go back to the beginning of this thread that i don’t know who could have possibly started, but i looked up that word and I’m not sure it’s something a proper lady would say.:wink:

I wonder if Google translate can help me keep up with all the foreign language being thrown around here. …:grin:

Edit: nope, it says it’s already English and won’t translate

Edit 2: the Germans helped clean it up a little, their translation is “what the devil”


Cancel Disney, I just want to stay here and read this thread :rofl:


This probably isn’t the right time to mention Spotted Dick then…? :thinking: