Enchanting Extras Booking Time

After doing a search, I see some people mentioning midnight as the open booking time on your eligible day. But Disney is saying 6am, the same as ADR’s.

Anyone book any special tours, etc. recently and can give insight that would be helpful!

I’d try at midnight. Over on chat I’ve seen midnight for some in the recent past.

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I was able to book at 4am 2 weeks ago. Also if you have a resort reservation it can be done at 60+ days whenever your window opens.


The official answer is 6 AM, but it definitely varies. Great intel.

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Thanks guys. Looks like I’ll be up early Sunday morning :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I think Liners know that Disney doesn’t always tell the truth :laughing:

That’s why I posted here. And I had to laugh when I read “being up at midnight won’t do you any favors”

Well, maybe you can’t book at midnight but certainly before 6:00.

I’ll report back on what time I was able to book.


It was a while ago, but I definitely booked Savis at midnight. And any of the animal experiences just open up at random times.

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Definitely midnight.


I booked Rhinos tour at midnight for our upcoming trip. Using a leading reservation. Also bought MVMCP tickets at midnight.


Nice. Was that 60+10 for Rhino?


Yes. It will be the second day of our trip so I had to wait a day for the next 60+10 window to open. (Leading res overlapped our whole trip as we only go for 5 days, so each window opens one day at a time.) There are 4 of us. Was able to book 4 tickets with no issues. If it wouldn’t have been available that day, I would have had to rework our plans or just go without.

My confirm email says 11:05pm (we are Central time).

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Thanks much! I’ll be doing the same process :slightly_smiling_face:

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It will be an expensive 24 hrs for us as we have MVMCP that same night (and I prepaid HDDR for dinner for the night before). But it’s only money, right :sweat_smile:

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Yep. Doesn’t happen often for us. Gotta make the most of our time, so have to splurge.

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What tour are you stalking? I’m doing the whole leading reservation thing for the Wild Africa Trek in March.


About the hardest one to get…Starlight Safari


In pretty sure it’s midnight. I was able to book BBB at 4am. I’m not sure why Disney isn’t honest about the time.


Ok, got an update.

I was able to book a tour at 4:02am on the desktop site. Thanks for the heads up about the 4am time. I checked a few times after midnight and no luck, so I figured it would be 4.

I was going back and forth between the MDE app and the desktop site on my phone. MDE did not open up bookings til about 4:15am. I checked multiple enchanting extras and everything was consistent. This is at 70 days out.


Today, EE tours opened up at midnight. Even on the app.

So either midnight or 4am, depending on the day of the week or maybe Iger’s mood.


Resurrecting this thread to see if anyone has any recent intel.

My 60 days is Christmas Eve and am hoping to get WAT at 60+3. :crossed_fingers:

Should stay up until midnight?


I had a theory that 60+10 days may be the only time that ADR’s & EE’s open at midnight. But would like to hear from others.