DVC You There! - Now with Bonus Content

New this morning:

4-night HH Studio start 12/2 for $156/night or 35% under median

Should say: that price is 35% under the median of ALL HH studio rentals, but there have been a lot of low priced 1-nighters since start of project. If you look at just 2-nights or longer, this is really about 55% under! Wowza!

I do not expect this one to last long at all:
4-night AK Jambo Studio start 12/20 for $260/night or 20% under

If you want to go right before Christmas, these are a sweet deal.
Might some random lower priced rental show up for some room or other on property? Sure.
But if you want to lock in, this is a great price in that time frame.

BTW: that Jambo chart is sort of squished top to bottom because of those crazy-priced April 2025 rentals floating above all of the others like storm clouds waiting for a sucker. For the record: once random super crazy high-priced rentals are in the past, I tend to pull them from the database as exceptions to keep the charts more easily readable. I’ve only had to pull a few dozen in two years, out of more than 32,000 rentals.


These BLT Studios ALL first appeared on January 25th and all dropped today.
There are a few others from this batch with August start dates; 1 dropped but is only 13% under median, the others did not drop and are their original 17% under.

2-night BLT Studio start 7/5 now $357/night or 19% under

4-night BLT Studio start 7/5 now $340/night or 23% under

Two identical ones:
4-night BLT Studio start 7/11 now $340/night or 23% under

There seem to be a fair number more BLT studios in this time frame than last year. Later in the summer last year we saw a drop of them closer to $300, so could be worth watching if that is enticing to you!
In general though, these prices above are already solid deals.

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8-night SSR 2BR Lock Off start 7/5 for $557/night or 21% under median

When looking at all rentals 2-nights or longer, while there have been a good number of SSR 2BR rentals below this price - really only a handful of those were in the summer time frame.

When looking at just rentals for this room 7-nights or longer it is actually 31% under median -

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12-night SSR Studio start 9/11 for $181/night or 38% under median.
That’s almost 2 weeks at a deluxe Disney resort for just under $2,200!

Easily among the lowest priced for this room, especially for longer rentals of 7-nights or longer.
There have only been 10 12-night SSR studios, and the next nearest price was $80 more per night than this one!

6-night SSR 1BR Villa start 9/22 for $396/night or 33% under.

2-night OKW Studio start 9/29 for $234/night or 18% under.

3-night BLT Studio start 5/4/25 for $260/night or 19% under.


Holy cow!


Too bad this is only a 1-nighter, but could be a super cool splurge if you’re able to use it!


Original price for this listing was $1,456!!
AK Kidani 2BR Villa SAVANNAH View on 6/15 for $520 or 40% under median.

Note - that median is for ALL Kidani 2BR rentals, so this being a Savannah view makes it more like 50% or more IMHO.


Perhaps some more usable PRICE DROPS:

5-night BC 1BR Villa start 6/30, originally $910/night now $595 or 23% under median.

That BC villa is really closer to 28% under median when looking at rentals 5-nights or longer.

5-night SSR 2BR Villa start 7/1, originally $622, now $549/night or 22% under.

That one is really closer to 32% under when looking at 5 nights or more. Also, we did see a group of rentals for this room at the end of august into Sept last year that landed above and below $400, if you want to start watching to snipe any deals. Most of those lower prices appeared in the under 14-day time frame.

3-night CC Studio start 9/29 now $313/n or 20% under.


3-night BW Studio start 8/28 for $307/n or 23% under median.

4-night OKW Studio start 9/12 for $220/n or 22% under.

DVCShop Posted a group of rentals next April May for various resorts - most are median or higher, but also included a surprise VERY nice deal:

5-night Poly studio start 5/3/2025 for $383/n or 26% under.

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I don’t know if I’d ever want to stay somewhere - especially somewhere so special - for one night. Knowing you can’t get in until at least 4pm (and often later in busy times) and have to be out by 11am… like when do you get to enjoy what you have?!

Still, that’s an unbelievable price!


Once I stayed in a 1 bedroom at Boulder Ridge for only 2 nights, at $250 a night. I only had enough time for a shower and to sleep a total of 12 hours because I wanted to take advantage of Extended Evening Hours at Magic Kingdom, followed by rope dropping Epcot the following morning. I saw like none of the rest of the resort, but in retrospect I realized that I essentially paid $42 an hour just to have my eyes closed lol


Very interesting new ones tonight!

Aside from these really good ones below, check out Sept for some more discounted 1-nighters and a few really good other multi-nighters.

These both are GRAB 'EM IF YOU WANT 'EM rentals - they will not last long.

9-night SSR Studio start 8/9 for $223/night or 24% under median.

If my DD was not starting college 2 weeks before that I’d be saying Hmmmmm, for this one:

5-night OKW start 9/2 for $167/night (NOT A TYPO) or 42% under median.


A few nice deals today, but running around at office!

I’ve updated the TP subscriber-only dedicated rentals table for a quick peek. There’s a 5-night $390/night FW Cabin out there in Sep, BTW.


1-night Poly Studio 8/24 for $391 or 24% under.

4-night AK Kidani start 9/2 for $284/night or 18% under.

3-night GF Studio start 9/24 for $414/night or 20% under

Especially Nice this far out:
3-night Poly Studio start 1/5/2025 for $371/night or 29% under.

Rare entry:
6-night Aulani 2BR Villa start 1/10/25 for $1,081/night or 27% under.

Of course, that $ amount is not cheap by any measure - but is near the low end for that room.


Price Drop!

7-night OKW Studio start 6/23, originally $323, now $211/night or 26% under median.

There have been a good number of shorter rentals for this room around this price, but far fewer longer rentals. When looking at just rentals 5-nights or longer, this one is more like 33% under median.

VERY few 7-night rentals down this low - and almost none in Summer. (There was a batch in Sept coming up though.) Just looking at 7-nights or longer, this one is 39% under!


Running around again today, so just a screen cap of the new rentals in this morning’s refresh.

A few interesting September 1-nighters (dark green cells = more than 30% under median.)
Very nice 3-night GF studio for $384/night.


A few AK Jambo summer 1-nighters for $234 on 8/11 and 8/12 (28% under median.)

A terrific Poly studio rental in January if you’re willing to book that far out: 4-nights start 1/13/25 for $340/night or 35% under median.

Closer in:
2-night FW Cabin start 7/3 for $460/night, or 18% under the (perhaps still sketchy) median price.

4-night GF Studio start 8/27 for $394/night or 24% under.


Multiple January 2025 Poly & GF Studio rentals listed at $371 about 29% under median showing up today! That price is pretty unusual for those at any time, craziness this far out.

That price is pretty unusual at any time, craziness this far out.


Price Drop

4-night BLT 1BR start 7/7 now $540/night or 35% under median.


New this morning - Happy Father’s Day!

Three new BLT Studios in July - WEIRDLY one of them is price $220/night HIGHER than the others, but all posted at same rental site. I will not be linking to that one, but is of course in the search engine database.

5-night BLT Studio start 7/14 for $342 or 23% under median

2-night BLT Studio start 7/14 for $342 or 23% under median


Happy Father’s Day! @JJT and all the dads out there!


7-night AK Kidani 1BR Villa start 8/10 for $529/night or 21% under median.

1-night GF Studio on 8/12 for $378, 27% under.

3-night Riviera Studio start 9/3 for $364/n or 21% under

5-night FW Cabin start 1/12/2025 for $416/night or 25% under median.

Not the lowest price I’ve seen, but not too far off!