DVC point questions, canceled trip

nope nope NO I have NO desire to be in that or any other water vessel crossing the pacific or any other ocean :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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But…what could go wrong?

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so so so many things

DH keeps trying to convince me to buy a catamaran and sail around the world w/ him. I won’t even do a cruise.

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That’s so annoying and what a waste of time for you. What I despise about the airlines right now is that they are forcing you to advocate for yourself and research the DOT rules. Why can’t they just follow the DOT rules? Why does it have to be a battle?


especially since they cancelled and shut down all flights out of MCO, we had nothing to do w/ it and they tried to imply that it was somehow my fault on this last call. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Last week at this time my husband was literally flying all over the east coast just getting bumped and rebooked and that was for a NY to SC flight. It should not require this much effort.

If there is a staffing shortage, then Stop Selling Flights! Don’t create problems for months ahead and think they will magically be handled.


Which major airline was it that was found out a few months ago to have one third less the staff they needed for the flights they were selling? How can anyone think that is a good idea?