Does Your Husband Carry a Backpack?

Hmm :rofl: maybe thatā€™s why fiancĆ© wonā€™t come with anymoreā€¦

He gets stuck holding all the backpacks

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Funny enough I find World Showcase one of the hardest places to get cups of water because you canā€™t get them at kiosks, but have to walk back to the QS. A little thinking ahead takes care of it.


I was going to be a snarkfish and say that, actually, but I didnā€™t want to offend :laughing:

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I mean, Iā€™ve been for marathon weekend when it was colder in the morning in Orlando than it was at home. And I have occasionally worn a windbreaker in February

This is why I bought out my lease just a few weeks ago. I actually have equity in the car at this time :laughing:

Weā€™ll hang onto it for a while, and perhaps hand it down to Luke when he starts driving in about 18 months, at which time Iā€™ll get a new Mini (a blue one Iā€™ll call Stardust)


Edna will get to stay in the family. :sunglasses:

Are you ordering Stardust now? :smile:

I had thought Iā€™d get maybe a small suv maybe when the current people carrier was maxing out. Maybe.

However, we have til next April*/May**/June*** before weā€™re done piling on the miles. And I heard today that a previous robot carrying option no longer exists****. Making our van - or a subsequent one - even more useful.

Kids! :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::blush:

*robotics championship
**high school diploma
***black belt test - just to hijack further, the 12 page paper will be on a strike - palm heel, shotei uchi. Louis is passionate and articulate about that subject. smh

****the newer model Subaruā€™s cargo area is smaller. Whoā€™d a guessed.

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No. It will be quite a while before we need her. Weā€™ll monitor the situation and order when it becomes necessary.

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Iā€™m doing the same thing. I test drove some vehicles at the dealership my husband worked for and had pretty much made up my mind until I saw the cost. Even though the base price was essentially the same as my current vehicle, the lease amount was about $200 more a month! :woozy_face: So Iā€™m going to buy out this one and hope the market rebounds at some point. First time in probably 12 years Iā€™m not just rolling into a new lease.


Iā€™ve never not gone into a new vehicle at lease end! And Iā€™ve been leasing since my early 20s

I really really really miss my MINI

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She is my favorite car ever. I was not sad about the decision to keep her a while longer. :heart: :oncoming_automobile::heart:

Ohhh did you get to do any of the Mickey and MINI events- lol before we were asked not to come back?


I have no idea what you are referring to

Mini Cooper clubs would travel, from as far as Canada for a long food and wine weekendā€¦.

Ohh it was so much fun

  • it was hosted by the Sunshine MINI club

Ohhhh that! Yes Iā€™ve heard of them but never done one. Iā€™ve mostly owned Edna in pandemic conditions. Lol.

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We only carry a backpack to Disney and SeaWorld parks, usually. My wife wears it primarily as Iā€™m often picking up our son to carry around when weā€™re rushing through the parks, but we trade off, too.

Somewhat related and something he may likeā€¦ For any other park, we wear slim waist packs. Like fanny packs but not as roomy, unnoticeable and donā€™t get in the way, basically good for a phone, keys, external charger, and other another small thing or two. We easily fit onto rides without comfort or fitment issues, donā€™t need to carry a bag, and unless they have metal detectors at the ride gate no one notices and forces you to get a locker, etc. Comes in handy.


He is all about unnoticeable. Any recommendations on brands? If it holds the items you mention, I can carry just his water bottle.

My wife and I both have this one. She used to carry an old school one, but loved the one I got.

GEARWEAR Running Phone Holder for Women and Men|Runner Running Belt Waist Band for Workout Fitness Walking Jogging Exercise Sport

Itā€™s generic but is quality enough, and has lasted me 3 years so far with what Iā€™d consider lots of use (20-30 total park days, work from open to close, with lots of zipper use and wear & tear).

Whether you get this one or not, you can see the design and go from there to compare alternatives. I wear mine up on my abdomen area so it doesnā€™t stick out at all and make ride attendants double check me and so on, so you can figure how slim it fits. If your husband has a build that lends himself to doing the same, itā€™ll definitely be useful. I suppose if heā€™s got a belly, he could wear it lower and still hide quite well.

Well, I am the husband. But yes, I do. We do have younger kids so I donā€™t mind wearing the backpack to haul the things we will all need throughout the day. And frankly, when weā€™re moving with the stroller, it gets hung from the handle so it isnā€™t as if I wear it ALL day. Our next trip might be sans stroller. I still will probably wear a backpack to carry our things.

Butā€¦ if it was just DW and myself, cargo shorts for the win. In the pre kid days thatā€™s all I ever wore in the parks. Iā€™ve accumulated a nice collection of shorts that have zipper and button pockets so that I can carry whatever Iā€™ll need in the parks and donā€™t have to worry about anything falling out.


I use a FlipBelt for running, and it is perfect for the few items mentioned.