Dining Card Rumor?

Ok so my beloved dining plan hasn’t returned yet but supposedly tomorrow an announcement about a “dining gift card”


Yup it’s a rumor alright


I know they previously had a gift card dining program for “ good neighbor “ type hotels…but I never used it.

Would love to see hear reviews on that to see if it’s similar if rumored new program happens

Isn’t that just the same offer the UK people got recently-ish?

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Yes. That is mentioned in the article

Didn’t see that offer

Any details?.

hehe not a rumor no mo’.

But I think it’s garbage unless I misread something.

  1. only available to those who have a package that isn’t discounted. (so DVC and AP peeps are out of luck, which made sense for the free dining but not this…)

  2. it’s per night, not per guest/night. Which means you get the set amount no matter how many are in your party. Family of 4 getting $75 a night while staying at PorFQ? Well really you only get $18.75 pp now. To put that in perspective: that wouldn’t even cover breakfast at BOG when they served it, and doesn’t cover even a Boma breakfast now.

  3. only good for the summer months. June 25 - Sept 14. I guess it’s good for anyone going labor day?

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What do you mean?
Did you just find it in the booking site?

Well that really bursts my bubble lol

Thanks for clearing it up

Plus it’s hard to eat when it’s 7485975 billion degrees outside. I would not object to a solo TR @Randall1028 challenge involving $75 a day of chocolate ice cream


Who reads articles? :rofl:


being reported on several outlets as confirmed

Oh interesting. Hadn’t seen that yet.

That’s like…what…4 ice creams these days? Totally doable! :laughing:


Or 4 pints maybe!

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Wait… are you saying Ice Cream comes in smaller servings than pints? GTFOH with that blasphemy! :rofl:

Seriously, sitting here thinking on this stupid card “promotion”. I’m actually really annoyed at this. This is Chapek-style crap. I knew deep down that we weren’t done with it, but I was hoping SOMEONE would figure it’d be bad to continue down this road with such abandon.

Spend $700+a night on room and full price tickets and we’ll kick back $150 to ya, but only on food. Seriously? Honestly, if you are looking to spend that kinda cash without a discount, food prices probably wasn’t your worry at all. But even still that’s really low.

On average I burn roughly $100 a day on food. That’s not even worrying about table service. So anyone traveling with multiple people are even more disadvantaged. At least with the dining plan, you bought it for individuals.

:tinfoil hat time: This also hints that there might not be any worthwhile discounts coming over the summer and into fall.
EDIT: I was wrong, looks like discounts are still going to come in. Good. :slight_smile:

They would have been much better off reoffering TIW. Or just straight up offering a gift card for general use.

EDIT: also…they’re going to raise the prices of food here again shortly… which devalues this EVEN MORE. With the credits system, you at least were insulated from that annoyance.


Can I just say- this looks like a horrible replacement…


Only for normies


as i said, you and your blasphemy can get out!

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I have no insider knowledge- not even rumors I just don’t think we will see free dining again (except those of us that disney pre shutdown after they canceled package reservations)

But I have said it since genie+ was announced that will be the new “free” dining is my guess

Value free genie+
Mod g+ 1 LL
Deluxe g+ & 2 LL

It will cost them nothing and the general public will think it’s a great deal

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